Sunday, April 7, 2024

Encounters With Jesus pt. 3 (asking Him my question)

 This picture is almost exactly a depiction of the scenario when I had my first striking, personal, (near physically present) encounter with Jesus, in His bodily form.  [I told my wife about it soon afterwards, and she loves the re-telling of it to this day; because His sense of humor was involved amidst a brief, profound simple statement, and everyone has a sense of this aspect of His personality, whether they consciously know it or not.]

A couple of small differences (re the above pic) is that we were at the TOP of the rugged, rocky mountain crags, tip-top of the peak--and I was located about where this pov is coming from, looking at Him about 4 feet away. . . . It was also colder looking than this pic--barely any scrub vegetation, more austere, there was a brisk, bracing high altitude wind. . . . He was sitting on a rock, just like in that pic above me.  I was half-sitting, crouching against the sheer precipice . . . asking him my question. . . . 

It seemed to me at the time and in memory, that it happened to be atop my favorite mountain in the land where I grew up ("Mt. Olympus" in Salt Lake City).  

[Actual pic of Mount Olympus, winter SLC, UT--We were just barely

below and behind that far left-side side of the peak.]

[I had many other early continuous experiences, communications, and "shown-things" from GOD,  before this, as I was a neglected child of divorce, broken family, Mormon surroundings etc.; and found myself made early to seek the meaning of life, thus seek God.  And there have been several angelic protections/interventions I have perceived all along The Way, I believe.  But THIS humble missive is about JESUS deigning to appear and meet, when implored--so merciful is He . . . for one such as me!]  

And, just to note, I am focused on, and relating this small/profound experience of presence of God, because I am focused on the Eternal!--NOT the current hyperbolic news re events of the day.  The Way, is Spiritual, Within! Above all--with personal relationship with GOD!  I am well aware of all the "news of the day" and that people are thirsty for distraction from THE TRUTH of the Actual situation OF WHERE YOUR SOUL GOES AFTER DEATH! AND that GOD IS GOD!!!  YOU are not!  Submit, and seek and implore, repent, strive, persevere, DESPITE the constant attempted distractions, whether worldly or familial or any other iteration that the demonic imps can cause some stupid chaos...

 SO . . . it as actually before I consider my "born again" beginning (June 2004) "dressing down" 4-hour vision experience.... But, as I said, I had always been seeking and praying and meditating and seeking God.  

I was in a serious, desperate moment, and, yet again, beseeching God to show me The Way--The One True Way--and He arrived.  He was sitting on a craggy rock across from me, He was in His usual looking robes, and looking up at me with a sort of "you called me here and what do you have to ask" expression, slight, gentle smile, but intent.

I basically emoted--for talk in the spiritual realm is more "mind-to-mind", not physical mouth speaking--that I was in troublesome, besetting circumstances, at the "end-of-my-rope" . . . and astonished nevertheless to meet Him here and available.

I "said", "how can You have any intimate knowledge of and care for my small, meager questions and solace, when You have SO much and SO many others and issues to deal with at this very moment, let alone, throughout all past, present, future attention, intervention, consolation?  How do you have the TIME to sort out everyone, let alone ME with my petty concerns at this moment?"

HE lightly chuckled! (This is the part my wife loves in the story). He looked down away briefly, then looked up sweetly, wryly, but eye-to-eye . . . and said "I AM time."

He paused.  I was given a quick vision of the fact that HE is the Creator of Time and beyond time.  He said "I have all the time in the world."

Time is different in the heavenly realms.  It is not so linear.  It is (if I could put it into words) the all in all.  It is one thing.  It is all at once, yet there is an element of trajectory... but, ah, words fail.  BUT He showed it to me in my mind.

And it was a big relief!  He has "time" for EVERY SINGLE BEING AND PART OF CREATION, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant. "Not a single sparrow can fall without your Father knowing it."  

That is basically what He conveyed.  

Up there in there eerie heights, just the two of us.  HE deigned to answer that wondering question!  Well, and I know that many suffer from the sense of "why would God care about little old me?"

He is so vast, so involved, so intrinsically invested, yet Holy and apart, yet also loving and merciful.

God is Someone to love and to strive for and please and cherish and be grateful for, beyond measure.

There is no measure to Him.

Hence, He is God.

[Looks like there will be a part 4, as I get to more ongoing meetings on the rock, on the beach, with surging ocean, holding His hem, when the demons attacked..... ]

1 comment:

Roger said...

Greetings Bro. T.

WOW... The I AM (the Lord) said, ". . . and said "I AM time.""

I remember reading an interview of Steven Hawking somewhere around 30 years ago in which he
discussed "time." He brought up a thing which he labeled "imaginary time." As it turns out
he said "imaginary time runs at right angles to real (our) time." Which means we exist in
a 3D world of space/time (time is fixed), hence, miles per hour or gallons per hour.
Whereas, in imaginary time, the numerator and denominator are inverted as time/space and
space (location) is the fixed denominator. Furthermore, Hawking stated that, imaginary time
runs at right angles to real (our) time. To me this means "time" would have absolutely
no limits; such as, in the spirit realms. It's like when we hear of stories how time seemed
to literally stop. The closest example, perhaps, would be accounts of people that gave
testimonials of dying and having their whole life reviewed before them while going through
emergency CPR and telling hospital staff later what they heard staff say during their CPR
event. Not to mention the many near-death experiences during an accident or crisis.

Something else which I've mulled about over the years is "light." We feel its effects or
rather experience its effects, but can we truly understand what it is and how it is?
Physicists know that "light" can be a wave or it can be a particle (photon), but it can
only exist as one or the other at one time. (That "time" thingy again). We can see there's
a source, and then a reflection off an object (illumination of a target). And that's then
the end of my thought experiment and its impasse.

Finally, all I can sum this up by is what the angel Uriel said to Esdras (Ezra) in the
Apocrypha. Uriel advised Esdras that we experience the Lord's wonders and creation all
of the time and still can't rightly explain them.

Bro. T., I truly look forward to part 4. I just wonder what thought-triggers are awaiting
for me with your next installment? :) And for others that chime in here? It's a real
pleasure and quite comforting the information you are sharing.... Love ya...

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

BTW, I see that my prior post (comment) did come through. There was some weird glitch
when I hit the "Publish" button. And I got this message, "Something Went Wrong."

Brother Thomas ©2005

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