Thursday, November 4, 2021

Operating ABOVE The Perfidious Fray!

 As usual… I need to keep y’all straight and grounded ;)…. Don’t get your hopes up re Virginia. I’ll expound in a bit… but just like I didn’t take the Romney ticket….aaand … never took the Trump….. Well, the game is much bigger. We are basically watching a “reality show” wrestling, scripted match. Whether they, some are in on it, or just “useful idiots” … dupes…things are going on in the background, secret cabal chambers…putting in place the final infrastructure, such that…one day….well , it will all just be sprung on you, while meanwhile you’ve been assuaged with (false) hopes, distracted, enervated, infested, so that…. once the trap is at last sprung…the demoralizing effect will be massively deep and profound.

HENCE, why I’ve long “preached” … you will have needed to have developed a separate “mind”, embedded in the eternal God-saved-created SOUL…. that can transcend and continue in God’s Goodness, operating ABOVE the ground level noise, chaos, perfidious machinations!

1 comment:

Roger said...

Hello Dear Bro. T.

WOW. You really hit the nail on its head in your last paragraph. Like I've tried to wake
up others in the past and lately. When I try to explain these things to them, all I get
is a blank stare or eyes rolling up in their heads. When I think of these things, I get
the impression that the good Lord allows some of us to see and understand these things
for His purpose. It's actually beyond my comprehension why I understand these things and
others simply find them unbelievable. Unfortunately, when the "stuff" hits the fan and
the grim reality hits home, lots of folks are going to lose it and etc. BTW, it's so
refreshing to have you encourage us here and cryptically give us all a clue about what's
coming. Well, I got to run along another and do another порусский lesson!!!

I've heard some wild things lately, but I'll save it for later or maybe an email..

Peace, love and the Lord's favour,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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