Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Textbook Takedown

 Been a wild-wind few weeks.... Son got injured at work, required surgery (among a couple other things) far so good... Interesting chance to check out the hospital scene these days... more on that later... Always praying, loving, talking and listening to and trusting God throughout.... !

Meanwhile, re my recent mention of garden variety commi takeover of a country...will say this.... Several tried and effective tactics used are: malign local law enforcement then install fed level controlled stazi/gestapo new force in their place... Also, get the populace to mistrust, hate current national government (you do this by having had already infiltrated agents in place long before to make horrible destructive evil policies that drive the people mad) and then come in as the savior to “set things back right” ...

Of course, also be continuing to destroy, malign, subvert and pervert the husband/wife/family bible-based institutions, .... Turn children  against parents.... Divide natural communities, turning them against each other fighting each other.... 

Have directives and policies that change on a dime as blatently contradictory as possible constantly (ie., “today the sun is BLUE!” , next day “The sun is Green!”) and if you don’t agree to the ever, constantly changing “official line” ... well then, you are an enemy of the state/party/cult! 

It’s textbook stuff what is happening. 

THEN ... reveal the perfidy and criminal acts of those in power... (ie., when it gets revealed that the shotz are poison).... So that both sides (ie., pro V and anti V) come together to attack the national gov and useful idiots (ie., fuaxchi et al).... 

Then it goes Mad Max.... 

Then ... the new “savior government” comes in to “restore order”....  (while, note, all along it was those evil demons) who orchestrated the whole destruction in the first place.... 


Lee in TN said...

Hang's gonna be a wild ride! But that's what you've been saying would happen for all these years...

Trust and Faith in Him is key!

Blessings and prayers for your son, Bro T!

ROGER said...

Hello Dear Brother Thomas,

Yep. You called it right about those "shotz." There are two different scenarios I've
looked at which might be the fuse to start the sivil wap (my little cryptic alphabet).
On one had, if you don't take "it," tptb shut down your financial means. On the other
hand, when people get sick and they figure out they were fooled, they will go stir
crazy. It goes to show how most people trust authorities and their lies instead of
listening intently to YAH and His Son's messages. I've heard it said that 57 (cryptic)
will get turned up and activate those vots that are in those shotz. Plus, perhaps,
flakka will be added to this equation? And become the ultimate sombie opocalypse.
A quick side note. Even the Chinese leadership is onto Georgy Coroc. A leader over
there recently called him the devil. Yes, I remember your post from years ago in which
you showed his darkened eyes and that demonic look in his eyes.
Do you remember your post about tptb will be giving out money in order to save their
own necks? I think even Ezekiel referenced this fact too. Maybe it was another profet?
Anyways, some very nice beach area is getting returned to a particular ethnicity.
Well, I guess this wraps it up for me. I'm looking forward to your next post...

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Brother Thomas ©2005

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