Thursday, March 11, 2021

Question Marks, Pole Star, Big Dipper Moves

 Who . . . What . . . When . . . Where . . . Why , . . ?

Isn't that what it's pretty much all about?  Well..... 

Let's look at the night sky, signs......

If you put WHO at the center of the question mark (those questions, who what when where)........

(note the unmoving  "pole star" at the center . . . then) What, When, Where, Why . . . on each quadrant . . . (as you will see in the night sky "stars" ....the "big dipper" as it moves according to each season, spring, summer, winter, fall) . . . we see an interesting ancient symbol..... 

There is one question.... which involves ALL of  WHO, What, When, Where, Why.... 

There are signs in the heavens... that haven't changed . . . and are meant as signs . . . of the times and seasons . . . . (which, btw, couldn't reasonably be this consistent, if we were ACTUALLY "flying through space"-- thousands of mile per hour... spinning....globes, galaxies, solar systems, "multi-verses" lol etc.).....

HENCE why there is all sorts of nonsense surrounding ie., "astrology, astronomy, science" etc., lol.... 

His Word has all the clues you need.....

AND you will understand!  Deep in your soul.  

But.... understand it like an ant.... a little miniscule creature... BUT!.... a CREATURE of HIS nonetheless!!!

Bountiful!  Blessed! Meaningful!  Meant!

And then . . . it's FALL DOWN ON YOUR FACE TIME!!!! :)

Praise God!

(How can't you?!!!)

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