Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Some More Future-Casting, Reminiscing

[Some of my early posts and radio show guest warnings have been popping in my mind... I came across a compendium that I put together a while back, several years ago, with some of these from as early as 2007.... Kind of interesting to see the thoughts, suppositions, "visions" so-to-speak compared to where we are at now 2020... At least I hope it's kind of interesting]
"Quietly, subtly, a big squeeze is going on, via fees and penalty costs and new rules for establishing accounts and credit, whereby "they" are "weeding out" "undesirables" . . . in small business, small transactions . . . . There is a ravenous beast now devouring throughout the land, scarfing up money, peoples' money in every small way . . . . preparatory to the big eco-meltdown, which is nigh . . . .
You will find, increasingly, every little thing you go to do, especially if you operate a small business, is MADE DIFFICULT, nearly IMPOSSIBLE . . . as what little assets and capital you have are sucked up, leeched away through fees, proscriptions, penalties and new rules . . . . The squeeze is on, and, as I've mentioned before, a massive looting is underway, below the radar, to sift out the last vestiges of 'free enterprise' and mom and pop operations--once the bulwark of the mighty American middle class.

Families will move in together . . . . People will increasingly be sharing the same housing, splitting the bills, circling the wagons . . . . IF YOU CAN sense this possibility coming in your own life, don't wait to long to make the changes needed to survive financially. The old economy is over. It's done. The mighty American middle class is swiftly becoming an historical aberration. The communists have won and the sooner you realize this and accept it and then make adjustments, looking ahead, the better you can avoid crisis situations where decisions HAVE to be made in haste and panic and often not optimally."(March 31, 2007)

" . . . what I see . . . which is that there really is no turning back–things are not going to get better, more free, more safe, no, . . . but more chaotic, difficult, economically severe, police state at every turn . . . . . More is coming. More and more and more, until your head is reeling, your balance shot, and everything once relied upon has been upended, transformed and redefined . . . .
The twilight of the Republic is itself coming to a close, and a New Day . . . a New horrific Dawn is cresting over the horizon . . . . Free thought is gone. . . . speech and self-defense are next. . . . financial and physical security will be next on shaky ground. . . . THE ONLY SURE THOUGHT AND DEFENSE is found in the Spirit, where the dirty hands of tyrants and criminals cannot enter or threaten–no way, never! Whatever comes! You are safe and assured . . . ." (April 17th, 2007)

"All of this is much complicated in the time of “terror”, “terror threats”, “elevated status”, Homeland Security warnings and such. Once, back around 2004-2005, casually I wrote that I could “see” a possible imminent missle attack on The Dome of the Rock/Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Within a day or two, there was a report in the news of a just-thwarted terror plan to shoot three missiles at The Dome of the Rock." (July 17, 2007)

" . . . . the general ramp up gun violence is being fomented, triggered, because it the left is again coming into ascendancy and they will be able to pick up the issue (gun grab/control0 in relation to spates of mass (gun) killings...........ALSO watch for malignment of "militias" and "talk radio" again to further marginalize the "patriot", legit "conservative", nationalist factions....."(Feb. 18th, 2008)

"It’s amazing to watch the final transformation to full Sovietization of America, now just inches away. People thought I was silly, crazy, . . . when I said–as the Berlin Wall came down and Gorbachev was being hailed Man Of The Year and receiving the Nobel peace Prize–that it was NOT the end of communism in the U.S.S.R, but rather the beginning of the final phase of the communist takeover of the U.S. When “wall came down”, it was the OPPOSITE of what was told. It was the beginning of the end of freedom IN THE WEST!

The constant haranguing of “Christians”, “Constitutionalists”, “Patriots”, “Fundamentalists” and American history and culture in general, in the schools, in movies, on t.v., etc., is all part of the mind-conditioning program of the Bolsheviks to destroy morale, will, freedom-culture, etc., and replace it with a “globalist, environmentalist” mindset, so that the final phase of the takeover can be completed with little resistance. What resistance there is can quickly be labeled “right-wing extremist”, “fundamentalist”, “conspiracy theorist”, “racist”, “nativist”, “xenophobic”, or any number of derogatory slanders meant to marginalize, disarm and isolate.

Actually, the anti-Plan goes back to the Garden of Eden . . . but, because most Satanists and anti-religious atheist who hate God tend to self-destruct through vile and degrading and diseased, perverted habits . . . it has taken centuries to finally put into place, to be able to FORCE compliance, through technology, global mind-control via pharmaceutical–manipulation, electronic/psychotronic control; plus developing the thousands of soulless minions who can be counted on to ENFORCE compliance under the Beast system.

The education system was long ago seized by Marxist infiltrators, with the intent to “dumb-down” and reorient the children of the Republic toward “globalization”, subtle ANTI-Americanism, relativistic–progressivist thinking . . . . so that when the TAKEOVER is final, nary a peep will be made by the youth, but rather, they will WELCOME and HERALD the TAKEOVER . . . just as they show up by the thousands to see and laud the barely disguised Marxists Obama . . . . "(May 28th, 2008)

". . . big urge in spirit lately... VISION CLEARLY about phenom of "DEMONIC FLASHING"..... TO BEWARE OF and take seriously..... IT IS UNDERWAY>...... many prior seeming normal people will snap... in horrific ways.....
YOU MUST BEWARE YOURSELF.... what is going on in your head..... thoughts.... urges.......
...DEMONIC FLASHING will be occurring to urge SUICIDE...... SUICIDES WILL drastically increase.... but often involved with the suicider taking out others at same time.... NO SUICIDE! don't do it.... its a trick, a demonic lure...... as always still see end of 2009 going into 2010 [and beyond] world just looks different i have said.... seems quieter... less people . . . . this may also be because of concomitant martial law everywhere... not much movement..... weird world..... "(Sept. 26th, 2008)

"Looking at how things are shaping up . . . it is easy to see the race-baiting and stirring of the pot, re the classes and races and gender . . . just as the Marxists always do when fomenting revolution and takeover . . . . It always eventually turns violent. Agent Provocateurs are used in all such revolutionary moments to both impugn the opposition, and to cause trouble in order to give pretext for heavy-handed police state crackdown . . . . The attacks on Joe the Plumber are typical of the kind of social ostracizing and individualist targeting that goes on in a communist campaign intended to make you yourself more reticent to speak your mind regarding the takeover. The message is, "shut up and keep your head down!" or you too will have your life exposed, raked over, maligned, targeted, sifted, pawed etc. and if you're less than perfect then you can expect personal trouble to your life, work and family. Shut up and let the takeover proceed, prole!......"(Oct. 18th, 2008)

"Get ready also, now the Marxist/revolutionary coup d'etat is in the mopping up stages . . . consolidating the money into central authority/hands . . . . NEXT, the front will shift heavily to the cultural and spiritual battlefield . . . . .

It is about time for the maligning, STRONGLY and viciously of "patriots", "fundamentalists", "right-wing reactionaries", "constitutionalists" etc., and so, expect that some things will be staged, agent provocateur style . . . to make some supposed "right wing extremist" "Christian-patriot" look like a terrorist or an enemy of the state. . . . freedom of speech will be taken down ... along with freedom of worship and the right to self defense . . . . But especially, on the culture front . . . ANYTHING and EVERYTHING which still maintains a vestige of the "old America" . . . will be assaulted, attacked, smeared, undermined, infiltrated, debased, torn-down, targeted, and ultimately made to be seen as the enemy of "progress" and "change" . . . . . .

This is the time when a prediction of mine, to watch for some patriot group or church group . . . to be set up to do something abhorrent, to start painting the face of terrorism as.... you got it, Christians, patriots, secessionists, etc., Homegrown, domestic terrorism, in this form will be the enemy, not so much Mid-east types, though, like with McVeigh, they will try to tie them all together .... Nazi's-militias-right wing-Christian-patriot-Mid East terrorist- ..... all the same.... that will be the mind control operation .... tying that all together as the enemy of "hope and change" . . . . . . .

Be prepared for culture attacks in your childrens schools, against churches, in the media, on tv, in song, EVERYWHERE .... the onslaught will be harsh and constant . . . . . . for indeed, just as I have been warning for about 20 years ( along with others, of course) .... COMMUNISM won the cold war... everything is the opposite of what you've been told . . . we are in the final stages of a long-term, well orchestrated and implemented Marxist-socialist takeover . . . . . which is easy to see, if you've ever studied the issue . . . and will follow certain, well-established methods, as it continues to consolidate power and liquidate "enemies" of "the people" . . . . . (Jan. 14th, 2009)

"Yes, that's where we are right now. On the verge of loosing the last vestiges of our beloved constitutional rights. Spearheaded by a vicious, Marxist/Communist revolutionary cabal, who have infiltrated all institutions and government and now are completing their takeover.

And people are beginning to notice it. Hence, the arrival of new free speech control laws designed to squash public dissent and outrage as the takeover becomes increasingly obvious.

Patriot groups across the country are starting to set aside their differences and coalesce into a single--what will be labeled "right-wing reactionary"--resistance movement. But in fact, the movement is composed of people from the left, center and right.

The odds are clearly stacked against such a citizens' resistance movement . . . but for the first time, it looks like regardless of the personal consequences, self-described "patriots", "constitutionalists" are intending to make a stand--politically at first, followed by other more dire measures, if pressed.

This is where we will see much grief and courage and outrages all combine, as those with a memory and conscience and love for children and grandchildren and a once great country . . . refuse to cower under the onslaught of brutal totalitarian, left-wing dictatorship.

In all the years of near-daily listening to talk radio and following the trends of political corruption and communist overthrow of the Republic, I have never heard or seen the level of resolve and determination and organizing that is now quietly but steadily underway on the grassroots level--the first stages of civilian resistance and revolt are swelling like a tsunami, below the surface . . . .

NOW, a certain body of brave, resolute, men and women, of all ages . . . is coming to the fore, as never before . . . who have realized that if they do not start making a stand now, they will leave their children and grandchildren an utterly devastated, bankrupt, corrupt, totalitarian, freedom-less, frightful legacy; and these people simply cannot stand to have that betrayal left on their conscience.

They are, like the revolutionary founders, prepared to lose all, for the sake of principle and liberty and for all those who have died, been imprisoned, tortured, wounded . . . to defend the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States, for over 200 years. . . . ." (Feb. 25th, 2009)

1 comment:

Mark said...

The U.S. in it's beginning had good intentions based in the natural law and the ten commandments .Then evil crept in unaware with the Masonic society .From then on out it became a nation catering to an elite people's . It's time for this to come to a "end" .If it be Communism that bring about this end so be it .It's another instance where God is using an evil to accomplish good!

Don't forget there's a kingdom to come(a beginning).God is the
Alpha and the Omega .

The elite have created their own Frankenstein . Frankenstein destroyed it's creator .

God bless and moving on

Brother Thomas ©2005

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