Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Current Rambling Thoughts...re The Sovereign

Well.. i tried posting earlier today...it didn't post....  I'm finally getting "throttled"... I've been trying to hang low... heh...but whatever....they found me... lol

Meanwhile (assuming this gets through) I love being reformed... cuz, I KNOW God will do what He's gonna do... and martyrs will be martyrs... (no drama, just sayin')....

Yep. Surrounded.  LIKE WE ALWAYS WERE!  The elect.  It's true.  Kinda heartbreaking.  BUT not... because, HE IS THAT HE IS.  Harpies . . . little shoulder demons . . . demons from the left and from the right . . . they never stop.  HENCE . . . those early morning moments when you pray, when you connect with Him... you know...!  When you plead and submit and praise and worship and know that JESUS is Lord! Period!

We are indeed--I believe .....under full scale attack... like I "warned" of early on... it's called "total war"... and it comes from all sides.  Within, without.  The nearest to you . . . will have imps on their shoulders causing stupid mayhem, wasting your time. It's all quite typical . . . vampiric. . . . . But weak, and loses in the end.  Praise God. 

THANK GOD . . . that He is in control and in charge and gloriously The Author of All.....!

Hang in there....

The greatest mystery to me of all I've searched . . . is the nexus . . . of personal responsibility, AND that God is Sovereign. 

Of all I've searched and Seen . . .that is where the best, most perfect mystery abides. . . .

He is a Story teller.  We all have our roles . . . in His Story.  Amazing.  Wondrous.


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