Yes . . . the ringing in the ears . . . among other things.... Are you having songs repeating in your head . . . over and over? Just curious. I do perceive a sort of mentally targeted "rumination" program of sorts.... It isn't just songs, I suspect it is whatever your brainwaves are susceptible to in terms of where your current interests and memory and intentions lay. . . . Being a musician, fatally, lol... I get songs. Others I know . . . get social familial "situations" . . . recurring in thought... OR, their job, work place is foremost.... SO repeating ruminations.... I have little doubt that the gamer boys, and social media fiends are also having repetitive "memes" cycling in their minds, kind of like a constant back-drop, back ground soundscape/noise/voice/music/words etc. . . . Most are not aware enough of their own minds to actually notice it going on . . . but also, a lot are . . . . . So just curious to note if any of y'all have noticed something like that? As if . . . someone or something remotely is projecting repetitive "things" in your mind . . . sort of like how a computer or "smart phone" always has "apps"/programs running in the background . . . while you do your surface uses. . . .? Heh... know what I mean?
Meanwhile, it is war. I've written of it early on. "Total war". It's on various different levels of experience--what is happening now. It really hasn't stopped, since The Garden. . . . The war is waged on all fronts OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS, SPIRIT, SOUL, BODY! It's a "full frontal assault" AND it has skirmishers . . . guerrilla warfare on the fringes spiritually, supernaturally. Propaganda is of course involved non-stop. . . .
More on all of this shortly..... Including, hah! Remember how at the beginning of this big psyop I said it was a "beta test"... (I suspected) for an "alien" reveal?... Interesting to me that shortly after that blog post the government admitted to "ufo's" and there have been many "leaked" stories suddenly related to that, including all of the "sightings" in the sky, all over . . . related to that. . . .
AND.... related to all of this happening now--the most important part to know . . . is how close God is!. I mentioned it recently.... And have more to share on that! He is closer than you are led to imagine. . . !
God with you! Praise God! He ALWAYS comes through! It's just a matter of perceiving His unique way He deals with YOU as an individual . . . within your own specific time and space. . . .
(Oh, and . . . watch out now for growing "grey terror". . . . Things like blowing up dams, power stations, water supplies.... The riff raff skirmishers are deployed, because the scum are getting desperate)....