Thursday, April 25, 2019

quick side note re all seeing eye necessity

quick note... and it's a "no duh" thing... once you consciously look at--but they are rolling it in like a boss, like a long range plan, step by step... ANYWAY...
...One reason (among others) that they are allowing/encouraging/legislating... chaos on the streets (ie., bringing in criminal foreigners, cultivating drug-addled and psychotic homeless etc.) is to engender among the psychology of "normal" family folk... moms... dads... grandmas and grandpas... etc--a sense of growing and impending danger... everywhere.... SO THAT... everyone will cheer and be thankful... ubiquitous and constant surveillance (to catch the criminals and psychotics, don't ya know!).... "I am glad they have every square inch surveilled... that will keep us safer and help catch the criminals".....says mom and grandma....

Obviously, there are all kinds of other things going on as well... but yeah, a biggy is.... to create such a sense of fear (legitimately) in family folk, parents... of the increasingly lawlessness and randmoness of violent acts that could happen anytime anywhere... that, "folks" will welcome! pervasive, inch by inch . . . surveillance and monitoring... (to catch the bad guys, dontcha know!)...

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