Sunday, January 1, 2023

AFTER MORTAL DEATH...? Where ya at?

 Ya know.... 

Just freewheeling thinking here, like I find myself doing, amidst day-to-day family conversations, life experience, knowledge of Scripture, personal experience/relationship with GOD. . . . 

Lately, I've been Apprised of the central issue:


 Attention. {def: notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important.}

Pretty much I continue to note . . . that the suss of The Fall--Lucifer getting big ideas--and all the whining and complaining . . . boils down to a perverted need for attention.

Problem comes in, when the creature (having been Magnanimously GIFTED an ego, a personality, unique individuality, opportunity in the time-ridden material realm, to live in GOD'S Creation--well, it starts thinking it DESERVES it!  The creature becomes beset with a sense of entitlement and privilege.) 

The fallen ego ("it")  FORGETS that it was gifted, given, graced, mercied, granted, blessed . . . with even the very basic bottom line of EXISTENCE, LIFE--WHICH IS A HUGE THING!  AMAZING!  YOU LIVE?  YOU EXIST?  How did that happen?  Did you do that?!!

Well, it is astounding, and you know it is, in your soul heart, spiritual knowledge!  Don't pretend you don't!

Anyway . . . Lucy (the dedicated intended supra-spiritual psychopath) is there in early pre-heaven, feeling and thinking of himself/herself/itself (the Baphomet) as:  "HEY! I'm the most beautiful creature, angel--talented, charismatic etc., etc,  being EVER! Why can't I get all the attention!?" (oh she's mad! lol).

And then he/she/it . . . starts getting madder and boiling resentful--forgetting, somehow, that he/she/it/they/blah/blah/blah WAS CREATED BY GOD FROM THE FIRST PLACE!)

Well . . . and this is why I fear (in the proper Holy way) and revere and am ever awestruck . . . by God--because, He DOES let the fool hang themselves/herself/himself/theirself/itself/blah/blah/blah  . . . such that they/it/he/she/them/blah/knucklhead etc., GETS: "hoisted by their own petard" ["victimized or hurt by one's own scheme."]

HENCE (re the dumb attention addiction). . . why there is all the pressure . . . and lure . . . and tech etc.., to engage, imbibe these days in "social media" . . . where everyone is basically saying/doing: "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! I NEED ATTENTION!"


Yes, indeed, there is something about "attention".  

Energy. Focus. Purpose. Point of reference. . . . WHERE IS YOUR ATTENTION?!


Problem is (for the vainglorious)----HE IS THE FOCUS AND ATTENTION AND HONOR AND GLORY AND LOVE APPOINTED, PURPOSE AND DESIGN, ALPHA AND OMEGA, END-ALL-BE ALL--IT AIN'T ABOUT YOU! (It's not about you.  It is about GOD! If you grasp that, then, if granted, you'll find yourself infinitely blessed to be a part of His realm, His Kingdom! Praise God always! Don't find yourself resentful, pissy, smirking, waiting, tapping fingers, weak, subverted.)



Thus, Lucifer fell.

Thus, so many other knuckleheads do as well, as they forget--those who never knew, and those who ignored and didn't respect, and didn't righteously fear GOD THE FATHER OF ALL CREATION!


It's a fool's paradise . . . for a minute here, in this time-ridden, mortal realm. . . .

Oh, but YOU know!  Time goes fast!  We're all getting older.  We're all gonna die. We're all going to END UP . . . SOMEWHERE!


WHERE DO YOU WANT TO BE after the reaper hacks you down?

Do you believe in fairytales? 

Do you believe in GOD?

Do you care?

Truly, there is (in my experience) NOTHING more meaningful . . . and poignant . . . and OBVIOUS . . . than to (as much as blessedly able) doggedly (prayerfully) determine WHERE YOU ARE GOING AFTER MORTAL DEATH!

Jus' sayin' :)

1 comment:

Roger said...

Greetings Bro. T.

WOW and YEP... You hit the nail on its head. ATTENTION. I see so much of that on a social
media site. Certain people always posting selfies of their "works." Hmmm? Needless to say,
I only see their posts and refuse to be a part of their charades. I guess we can also call
them the "me generation." Some even speak of spiritual matters, but I see through their
disguise and know where their hearts are really focused.
Anyways, another friend of mine mentioned that with the turning of each year, we each
should be doing something new. I thought on this a lot and came to the conclusion of a
couple of things. 1st of all it's about positivity. The Spirit loves positivity and despises
complainers, grumblers and murmurers. The Most High hears and knows our thoughts. So, my
goal is to "check" myself when I slip into a less than positive attitude. 2nd, I'm a big
believer in having an attitude of gratitude. I'm always thankful for everything which comes
my way; especially wisdom, knowledge and understanding. 3rd. I'll surround myself only
with spiritually-minded and positive people. 4th. I'll let the Spirit be in control and be
my guide, lamp and light as I go through my journey or journeys.
The thing I've always noticed is that every 5 to 7 years I get or feel some kind of upgrade.
It's like some kind of spiritual boost has occurred. In the past year I was learning so
much that it all was so overwhelming. And now, I'm starting to relax a little and analyze
what has happened. It's hard to explain, but I'm quite sure others go through this too.
Enough of my rambling !!!

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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