Thursday, December 10, 2020

We Know The End

 Just noting.. . . The sudden turn on "pres-elect" JB... including the so-called "right wing" alt media... Is part of the plan . . . . . . . . . Obummer is in the wings, like I've long said--he didn't go anywhere--.  They play the long game... Camela is the new empty suit... they hope, they plan... Joe headed for the heap pile... Aaaaand ... as usual... the dummy "conservative" media is excited to throw JB overboard..... not realizing that they are actually helping the script along.... to get Harris in....(Obummer again). Like I said, years ago... he ain't going anywhere (besides hell, of course)... He be back . . . . (never left). . . . . . and the script writers are having a filed day! (Until THE DAY they don't!) we know the end.  

AAAAaaaannndddd... like I've long said (you'll see) . . . don't think Russia is the good guy.  It's the "SCISSOR TECHNIQUE"....   I recall . . . .hmmmm i think in one of my first interviews with ol ZD.... that I said... "Russia" would be seen as the good guy..... the new "freedom fighter" ...... 

Don't be a dumb-ass.  They are in it together and always have been.  Russia and China are two hands of the same beast.  Don't be stupid.

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