Monday, December 14, 2020

Old Gems Of Vision

[Sorry for the wall of text... but was looking for a previous post about needing to have/access a "different mind"/spiritual mind for the coming times.... now upon us.... And stumbled across this foretelling ol' post...fwiw... from Dec. 12, 2006);) God bless you! Who still range around these here parts and yet support through thought, prayer and deed... :)]


"One of the greatest sleight-of-hand tricks of all time has been effected and is now coming to a close. The magician has disappeared, but is about to re-emerge from behind the well-crafted ‘curtain’. While investigators and the common curious have been given ample scraps of clues to see portions of the hidden hand–ie., moves made by Jesuits, Masons, Skull & Bones, and other connected occult-based operatives….the BEAR, the hammer and sickle has been using a time of self-imposed hibernation and is about to run from its cave, ravenous and attacking all in its path. Few know about the concept of ‘total war’ which dedicated adherents to marxist-leninism employ in their long-term objective for world domination. Orchestrating that certain components and players of ‘the conspiracy’ be revealed is taken by the duped to be progress, whereas it is actually only playing further into the beast’s plans. It is meant and allowed that the populace know to a certain degree, the plots and cabals which are arresting freedom and Judeo-Christian western culture. The come-uppance of figure-heads, such as Bush Jr., and other phony ‘conservatives’ is all theatre designed to give the illusion that ‘the people’ are making gains in uncovering and reacting to the ‘hidden hand’. But it is nothing more than the show trials of the old Soviet Union, where old party leaders, even Stalin, were allowed at certain points to be criticized and sometimes operatives were even outed and executed….all just to keep the people somewhat appeased and left with some sort of sense that justice was being answered in their imprisoned, slavish lives. Meanwhile, world communism….the TRUE, FINAL military arm of the conspiracy (not the American military, as conspiracy-theorists usually assert) has steadily increased its grip on the few remaining countries and pockets of political and national independence….secretly, with different names, undercover, behind-the-scenes this has been going on….encircling and infiltrating the U.S., so that, when the curtain finaly falls,…..the citizen will be shocked into complete terror and complacency that the takeover has been so complete. The final moves in this chess match are now being made. The final death strokes were always designed to coincide with a devastating financial collapse of the dollar, combined with a stranglehold on energy and food resources. Recent moves by Russia to retake total control of oil resources are signaling that the end-game is drawing near. The ‘total war’ concept is simply a strategy whereby the once fledgling and backwards soviet machine planned a long-term operation, targeting ALL facets of the enemy (ultimately Christianity and traditional American culture, sovereignty etc.) for infiltration, diversion and then full marxist conversion. Drugs, pornography, relativism, pluralism, diversity, attack on family/purity/manliness, sexuality-focus/perversion, generation-gapping, materialism, hedonism, cultural guilt, icon-debasment, disaarmament, financial corruption, educational corruption, corruption of the courts and law….ALL means are used to undermine and destroy the enemy from within….wtih the instigator feigning weakness….as glasnost and perestroika implemented……but with continuing massive military build-up and encirclement……these are the means of TOTAL WAR. This has all been expertly effected against ‘the west’, orchestrated from the Kremlin, while the common folk have been distracted, placated, lulled and diverted to a hundred other issues and ‘enemies’. There has been no death of communism. It is triumphing in every sphere. One of the final stages of takeover is the upstepped direct attacks on churches, signs and symbols of Christianity, but with the co-opting and promoting of ’sanctioned’ politically correct churches. Individual believers will increasingly find themselves without a place to go…fearful of speaking out…isolated…targeted…and ultimately, many will pay the ultimately price defending and proclaiming their Lord. There is simply no way this will be avoided. But, as the whole purpose of this life–as this world has gone–is NOT comfort, materialism, personal dreams, etc….but, rather, just a stage where a soul gets a chance to exhibit its greatest love (God or mammon)…….nothing in these coming events can do anything but serve that ultimate purpose. Temporally, and temporarily, yes, it may be difficult and very uncomfortable at times….lol… say the least……But, when the single purpose is kept in mind….and one determines to be victorious whatever the cost……WE CAN KNOW that the troubles of this world are NOT WORTH MENTIONING in the same breath as the glories to come. There is NO comparison, so great the reward for all those who fight the good fight….who endure until the end! Ultimate victory has been promised to all those who believe on His Name! No matter how dark, how clever, how evil, how underhanded and devious and powerful the hidden hand of our Enemy seems to be……it is POWERLESS to overcome our interior life of conviction and commitment to the Truth, To God the Father, through the conquering power of our Saviour. Actually, these petty, pathetic strategists, who only seek the glories of THIS world, and are content to get it through causing pain and suffering and misery…murder, lies and theft and perversion….HA! what fools these will turn out be! They have missed the one key component to victory in a war….which is….yes, a TOTAL WAR…as it considers the eternal value and position of the everlasting soul! Let the total war go on. Let it incircle us all about… it does and will increasingly……. Praise God that victory was already won! The war is actually over; fools, with your tanks, and tortures, and mind control, tricks and lies! LOVE CONQUERED in the TOTAL WAR!!! Haven’t you Heard? Haven’t you Seen? What? You can’t BELIEVE it? Well, then… lose, comrade. Bloody conquest for but a moment, comrade…yes…..but the war is already over…..your global dominion is but a fleeting illusion……it is YOU who have fallen into the trap! Das Vidanya…. December 12, 2006"

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