Monday, December 28, 2020

Beware the "Scatter Ray"

 Beware . . . be on guard . . . keep an eye out, watch yourself and loved ones and all else.... 

I'm calling it the "scatter rays" or . . . "Scatter Ray" . . . . (Accidents, stumbles, confusion, missteps . . . are prone and likely.....)

What it is doing is jumbling, fracturing, dissembling, diffracting, disrupting etc., normal brain function, cognition. . . . I believe it is widespread . . . such that, even if YOU have your S somewhat together, you can count on nearly everyone else around you or who you encounter through a day doesn't.  

Sticks in spokes.

Lucy pulling the ball away from Charlie when he goes for the kick.  

A jumble ray . . . a disrupter ray that scrambles "normal" functions, activities, thought, memory, comprehension . . . etc.

COMBINED with anxiety ray . . . and anger, resentment ray.

I don't doubt that some robotoid characters . . . bureaucrats . . . wanna-be techno-crats . . . are sitting in a sterile room somewhere, in lab coats . . . turning a big nob, pedantically, according to orders--up to 11! . . . . ennui-ly turning it to the "Scatter Ray" . . . which then goes out to all the magnetic/electric/psychotronic towers and outposts . . . throughout the realm......

Jus' sayin' . . . . . . .;)

1 comment:

Lee in TN said...

Yep, I have experienced this lately.... Like I couldn't believe I forgot to go back to do something. Yikes! Will become more mindful of this now...

Brother Thomas ©2005

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