I was just kinda thinking about the time I didn't get on board the "Mitt Romney" train back-in-the-day..... and got some guff in some quarters... BUUUUT... I sat across from him for an hour-ish in a meeting when he came in (while I was working for the SLC 2002 Winter Olympics) and I saw him for what he was . . . . Happening to be looking back through some past old posts, where I pretty much laid everything out that is going down now . . . I also saw (I forgot this!) that I met Bill Cooper! . . . . Yeah, I've been around . . . seen a lot, know a lot . . . but still as always humble and submissive to the sovereignty of GOD THE ALMIGHTY!!!!!
Here's some tidbits I found while perusing old posts . . . that . . . lol . . . well . . . are sorta relevant now.....fwiw...... ;)
From 2008:
"A day of odd thoughts, name drops, drive-by personalities . . . . yesterday . . . . It started with hearing that a cousin of mine has made it onto a new “reality” t.v. show and is currently filming back east. He is from the same “secret handshake” family that has children dating or married to the likes of Elizabeth Smart, the Governor’s daughter, Mitt Romney’s financial campaign manager . . . . and more . . . . . I happen to be painting a house a stone’s throw away from them, though we don’t really chum around much . . . . like oil and water . . . . two different kind of species, me and . . . . them . . . . While scraping yesterday, I thought about the time I met Bill Cooper (notorious Behold A Pale Horse writer) . . . who was suspiciously off’d by officials when his expose’s started getting too hot . . . or, that’s what many think. Anyway, I met him in the early nineties. He was at a survival show . . . with a booth. We talked for a bit. He was very upset, agitated and kept talking about how Bo Gritz had threatened him and was stalking him. Bo was somewhere there too. I was just curious and had briefly walked through the concourse. It was at a convention center where my grandfather was a manager, so I checked out different things that came through . . . . .
Then, for some reason, that made me think of my meetings with one of the Brownings, Mr. Browning of Browning Arms. We met several times–related to my early music ventures. He was an initial backer. I remember asking him about his “life philosophy” . . . . as I took the opportunity to question him on a few things–a man of that worldly stature and power . . . I couldn’t resist. He always chuckled at me. I was there in pony tail, rock’n'roll boots, full of hutzpah . . . . Bertrand Russell . . . was his answer. I knew of the book “Why I Am Not A Christian” . . . and the general elitist, socialist, “Olympian” bent of Russell’s work . . . . and was not too surprised . . . . . With various random memories and thoughts sifting by . . . I get a text from a buddy who writes: “Heads up, the president is in your area . . . traffic blocked . . . ”
Indeed, Mr. Bush was within blocks from my location, visiting Utah and the L.D.S. church, speaking of “secret handshakes” . . . . . And I texted back my pal, “Great. Secret Service crawling up my a** checking out my scrape job, heh.” I decided to wrap up and head home, not wanting to get snarled in the traffic, or hassled by the S.S. Many people near the route were virtually locked in their homes, told not to open windows, stand on balconey’s, go in their backyards etc., etc. The Pres WAS going to stay at the Illumininst hot spot of Hotel the Grand America . . . but three meth-heads got busted earlier in the day, cooking meth (one of them went to the front desk tweaking, with a flashlight strapped to his hat . . . . lol) in the Hotel, so Bush’s stayover arrangement changed to some private residence near where my current paint job happens to be. I avoided the mess. Apparently more roads blocked today in the area as well, so will have to wend carefully. Just tryin’ to get to work . . . . . "
Posted 2011:
"I worked for the Olympics in 2002 as a volunteer, related to my legal studies. I was part of an Olympic program called “TOK” or “Transfer Of Knowledge”. I analyzed data and protocols and various Olympic program functions–ie., related to intellectual property issues, marketing, branding and other things; and then created documents and suggestions for better efficiencies, which were then to be passed on to the next Winter Olympic hosts.
As part of this, I met with all of the big officials in small group meetings where we interviewed them and recorded, transcribed their reports.
That’s when I met Mitt Romney, who took over the Olympics in our town after various scandals surfaced related to bribes, gift-giving, and other sordid schmoozy goings-on during our town’s bid to secure the Games.
Mitt was, as he is now, an affable fellow, brimming with ambition and a desire to be liked by all. I knew immediately that he would eventually run for the White House. I spent an hour with him and he struck me as well mannered, but plastic . . . the type of guy who will do or say anything to come off liked by what he thinks is the majority . . . and the kind of guy who has some inner convictions, but mostly opportunistic. His political track record has proven this out, as he is well noted for his flip-flops . . . once pro-choice . . . now pro-life . . . . . and many others like that.
Coincidentally, my favorite and only real cowboy hat I ever wore (around age 12-13) was white, and had the name “George W. Romney” embossed within its brim. (George is Mitt’s dad and it was left behind, along with campaign posters in a house we lived in, where George had lived briefly before us.)
George Romney was also a popular politician and ran for president, I believe.
I’ve missed that hat for years–it, along with many other of my most prized possessions maybe got swept away in the floods of ‘83, or . . . more likely, I think were stolen by certain family members while I was away . . . who tore through my grandfather’s garage, where I had some treasured belongings stored. I use to wear that hat when I was 14 and played synthesizers/keyboards in an otherwise near all-black funk/jazz-fusion band called Madison Avenue . . . in Davis, California . . . heh . . . .
Anyway, one of my cousins is now married to one of Mitt’s premier campaign workers, and helped him raise nearly 7 million dollars recently. Word is, my cousin has even been flown around in the presidential helicopter.
I haven’t see her for a few years–its a big extended family which I’m not much part of due to my having “abandoned the faith”. Nevertheless, she’s one of my favorite cousins–an innocent lass–and I do worry about the company she’s keeping, lol.
Trying not to cast aspersions recklessly, I can say that today Salt Lake seethes with a vigorous counter-culture underground. Drugs, alternative sex practices and a lust for flaunting wealth . . . rage side-by-side with the ubiquitous “ward” church-houses on every corner. It’s also anecdotally and statistically known as the fraud capital of the country–something we've learned far too closely and personally, as ones of the victims.
Utah has also become a "sanctuary state" for illegal aliens and drug cartel crime, early morning DUI homicides, stabbings, robberies, home invasion robberies are spiking throughout the valley . . . plus identity theft is rampant. . . . . Yes, like the Catholic church, the Mormon church is promoting and encouraging the flood of illegals, as it expects to convert them and increase the ranks of tithe payers. They admitted as much publicly, that they were well pleased with our phony Republican/conservative legislature passing the state amnesty bill for illegals. Reports are coming in from such enclaves that whole neighborhoods on the west side are quickly filling up with out of state cars as the exodus TO Utah to get amnesty is underway from all the other wiser states who are trying . . . TRYING . . . to stem the tide of the invasion. Many Mormons here are taught quietly that the Mexicans are considered part of the "Lamanites"/Indians from the Book of Mormon and it is part of Mormon prophecy fulfillment that they come to "Zion" to be converted, "saved" and, perhaps as the B of M teaches, finally becoming "white and delightsome" owing to their new found righteousness . . . . (Mormons long taught that skin color was a sign of curse . . . blacks had the "mark of Cain" . . . also, it was taught that in heaven, some of the spirits were lazy and non-committal during the war in heaven . . . and these were born as blacks in this world as a sign of their unfaithfulness . . . hence they could not receive the priesthood until fairly recently (1978).

Ironically, it is more likely, that rather than Mexicans turning white . . . white's will be pushed out of the valley they established. Already there are whole areas on the west half, many miles in all directions, that resemble Southern California which resembles Tijuana . . . You can't get a job there if you are white or black--everything is in Spanish . . . with a few Asian enclaves . . . .
Utah, via the Mormon church is committing cultural, social, political suicide and condemning her legal citizens to pervasive crime, loss of jobs, fear on the streets, drugged out kids (ultra L.D.S. Utah County, just around the bend from where I live and where BYU is located is in the midst of a massive, pervasive heroin and meth epidemic amongst the youth, brought on by the infestation of Mexican drug cartels, but "the church" is not seeming to mind, so long as some of the big L.D.S. business leaders can keep getting cheap (illegal) Mexican slave labor . . . . I don't really blame the invaders. The door is wide open and the establishment is inviting them in and paying their way. Of course they are going to take advantage of the situation. The blame mostly lies with the crooked, paid-off politicians and crooked church leaders who are getting greased by their big business buddies wanting the slave labor . . . and also all the zombie, unthinking church members who follow lockstep whatever their church authorities say . . . never questioning . . . now losing their cities, towns and probably eventually the state . . . to California-like catastrophe . . . .
Another well-worn LDS prophecy refers to a time when “the constitution shall hang by a thread”. It’s known as the “white horse prophecy” and was given by founder Joseph Smith himself.
The constitution shall “hang like a thread as fine as a silk fiber . . . . A terrible revolution will take place in the land of America, such as has never been seen before; for the land will be left without a Supreme Government, and every specie of wickedness will be practiced rampantly in the land . . . . and it will be preserved and saved by the efforts of the White Horse.” Joseph Smith
The “white horse” refers to the white horse image found in the Book of Revelation.
You can be sure, that most “Latter Day Saints” are aware of this expectancy and see in Mitt Romney its possible fulfilling, or perhaps the other moral chameleon, John Huntsman Jr. (another phony conservative opportunist type).
The "church" has been politically ambitious and intends to rule the world since its founding when Joseph Smith had himself crowned "king of the world" . . . established the "council of 50" (a shadowy group intended to begin the political machinations preparatory to establishing a political kingdom of God on earth in anticipation of the return of Christ. Some think Glenn Beck, ie., is partly being guided by this early Mormon ambition and goal.
Knowing that Mormons make up a disproportionate percentage of the “secret services” one hopes that events would not be orchestrated to make sure that the “white horse” prophecy comes due.
I don't know if Mitt will make it to the White House–at least not as president. But if he ends up very nearby, maybe ya’ll best
hold onto your hat."