Monday, June 3, 2019

Nuanced Beautiful Times

Well, I'll tell you this . . . from the front lines. . . .

Definitely do not be fooled by the overarching propaganda media onslaught....

I, as intended and said, have entered the dens where J went . . . to find the fallen--the admittedly fallen and lost (not the haughty and prideful) and they are indeed open, just like He said....

They know they are sick and in need of a Physician. . . .!
 And nobody is going there to find and meet them...., or at least very few.....(the cozy peeps in the pews are too afraid)....

These lost..... They are not only blocked off by the cyber digital walls that are now ubiquitous. . . .
But also by the usual sin mesh blockage. . . . and all sorts of miasma . . . yet, just as J found,  often open and ready to hear something New!....

Where it is most dark. . . .

In the darkest of times. . . .

The Light is easiest to see . . .

IF and WHEN someone, a servant (like you, like me... yes I said it!) dares go in where angels fear to tread.....the work happens in lovely and mysterious ways.... (Note: this is why angels hold us lowly trogs in such high regard... the least shall be first!.... AND why CERTAIN angels, got but*hurt/jealous and went AWOL!)

We are in nuanced . . . clever . . . delicate . . . beautiful . . . powerful . . . awe-inspiring times!  For those with eyes, ears, hands to work . . . AND even for those who don't.  Regardless, He rules, and rules perfectly!  I love and praise God!

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