Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Not What It Appears To The Rich In Spirit

Just some things to remember going into this next phase...

That is, if you care to.... No worries if not...

Anyway, I predicted the end of "original thinking" ...

We are in the gist of that...

I warned of the communist takeover... Global communist dictatorship.... Call it what you will... (and yes, bottom line, it's Satanic)... That is obviously well underway and increasingly noticeable, even to those who thought I was nuts at the time.....

Well, and all the other things I said were coming, in so many words.... We're in the thick of it.

Something else . . . . I said, beware of words and judgments put out against certain people in high places.... And against forerunners and "pioneers" in general..... ---- Things are not always what they seem, superficially judged. 

With that, . . . considering my experiment--somewhat kamikaze foray I am undertaking, going into the front lines . . . don't judge what you see of me on the surface. . . . True, I don't know how long I can venture so near the tar pits . . . we'll see. . . .  But I will say there are indeed souls there who need retrieving and none (that I have seen or met) are going in to get them, and intelligence is being gleaned, and seeds are being planted.....

I may need to bail, if it gets too murky, but so far, God is with me, we're talking . . . and I'm learning things I would not have had I not dared this venture. . . .
One thing I've Seen is that I think many will be surprised when "the least shall be first" is ACTUALLY exhibited on That Day. . . . There are a lot of people who fancy themselves above the fray, and above the "lowly" . . . who are not, so much......And many of these "lowly" . . . who are indeed blessed, sincere, elect I dare say, whether they know it yet or not.........

There are some beautiful, broken, "poor in Spirit" souls out there . . . . Just where you (should) think you might find them--not necessarily in the churches, though NOTHING against (proper) churches, I must say!..... There are a few . . . I'm sure . . . . Well, a couple I know of at least.  BUT point is, beware judging surface scenarios, especially now--either way--because so much is truly "fake" . . . and some of us . . .  are going under cover so to speak . . . . Things are not what they appear hardly in any sense these days! Aye! Truly, the Spirit is the guide of Sight now as much as ever, seeing what's what and who's who. . . . Regardless, God rules, I turn to Jesus whenever in doubt or in trouble and always for comfort and strength.... And He never fails.

1 comment:

ROGER said...

Hello Bro T.

Dang, it's been so long since I've commented here.
I always take what you write as spiritual and prudent advice.
A note I made to myself last week was, "people aren't always as they seem."
Hmm? I can't recall where this thought came from, but I believe I was reading a old but popular spy novel at the time. (Spy novels are my new summer reading passion). So, this goes with your advice to be circumspect, observant and discerning.
Anyways, a movie I saw a few weeks ago had a great line in it: "What you do today will reverberate through eternity."

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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