Sunday, November 3, 2024

I'll Paint, You Can Keep The Feak-Off Ticket

 I have so much to share, say . . . 

This is the only place where I can get to a semblance of it all...

Regarding the gatekeepers in the "entertainment industry" . . . I really just need to do some talking, conversation on a podcast or something...  otherwise, it's turns into a small, unfinished book here.

I'll continue to share what I can. . . .  

Yeah . . . bottom line . . . I was on the close outskirts of the "industry" . . . but, I was, myself, deliberately far away from SPIRITUALLY getting too close, and thus, could wave it away.  

The stink of the pit wafted from far away . . . and that was enough for me to stay clear.  

Yes, I heard the tales.  It's run by "the mafia".  I was approached several+  times with various seductive offers.  "We will have you break into the top 10 in the UK, then we will have you conquer the American charts."  

But I had already, long before committed to God, and rejected the tempter when I was 13 and he came to me and showed me "the crossroads" path choice.  

He (the devil)  said, "you have two choices right now!  You can be a young, breaking-ground, 'cutting edge' famous kid-artist/musician/singer/celebrity . . . OR . . . you can reject my offer and take the ignominious path.  What will it be?" 

I sat there for about 3 minutes . . . realizing this was the big choice. . . . But I was already owned by God, seeking Truth, and said, "well . . . I have to go the Godly way.  I have to stay with Truth, with God."

He (satan) said, in so many words, chuckling, mockingly,  "ok, sucker. . .  now your life will be very hard.  Good luck buddy."

That day I made my choice.  THE ONE TRUE GOD.

And, indeed, from about that day forward, it was rough.  I was an orphan, survivor.  BUT GOD always was with me.  Like He said "I will always be with you."  THAT is a Spiritual promise and message which has kept me faithful, alive through thick and thin.  And to this day . . . God Willing, praise God, Jesus, ongoing!

YET, he (the evil one never stops) kept coming back and saying, "are you SURE you want to go with God?  Surely you can ride the fence for a while . . . let me help you out with your dreams and talents for a while, and then later . . . if you want . . . you can go back to your God. . . . "

Yes, if you crave the world, yes you have to cross certain lines, do certain things, that are, of course, captured, recorded, .... then blackmail and/or bribe.  Most, that are desperate to be rich and famous (especially if they are not really that talented) WILL eagerly cross that line/take the ticket..... 

I saw it fairly close, but far enough away to just say no.

"They/he" told me . . . while scoffing, mocking, "Ha... well, now you will just be a day laborer.  Blackballed.  No one will understand or care about what you rejected and denied.  Now you will work 'by the sweat of your brow' and have calumnies subtly, ongoing tossed at you."

I said, "fine, Jesus was a carpenter.  I'll paint."


Brother Thomas ©2005

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