Well, and it's just my musings (re last post). . . . But if angels are able to "absorb" "imprint" communications and personalities from the other side, then that would also explain why people mistake getting messages from "the other side" from the dead, via Ouija boards, seances, channeling etc., which Christian's generally assume are actually just demons faking it . . . because demons, are "fallen angels" and thus, might still have some of that innate ability to get "imprints" and reproduce . . . "the dead." Just thinking out loud.
Meanwhile. . . . Everything sounds too good to be true. I've usually found that is the case. Hope I'm wrong. I would love some good news on the temporal front (I already have it on the Spiritual front--The Good News) . . . . . My searching mind and suppositions, is wondering if we are seeing the groundwork for a world government, albeit, with some guard rails and addressing of inefficacies. But ending in the same general plan. Digital control, global ID, ubiquitous surveillance, but with some relief getting rid of "riff-raff" so that that coast into it will be less onerous....
Wet-blanket boy here, just keeping it real. Hoping always for the best!
AND, above all, only have HOPE in GOD.
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