Saturday, February 8, 2025

Time Travel, Reincarnation & Talking To The Dead

 Like I wrote a moment or two ago . . . things are "fluxy".  

Top of the chart is JESUS!  I'm all in.  We've been talking.

Well, and I don't ever want to come off presumptuous, or flippant, or overly casual regarding the Holy, Sacred, Real, bottom-line purpose and meaning of life, and when He deigns to communicate.  

I am flat on face, stunned, ever broken, humbled, desperate, in love, at mercy, amazed, grateful beyond this flurry of words to even dare attempt describe or ascribe anything of this reality/relationship with GOD ALMIGHTY.  

BUT--I do dare say, He "gives quarter" regarding how fallen, knucklehead, mortal WE ARE; (for HE went through it Himself, to the ENTH degree!!!!!!! Fully man, fully God!)  And sometimes He shows a little slip;)!

And then, I find I must speak of the devil's wiles. . . . .  . .

Well . . . and then speak of the strait and narrow Way . . . there is the wide gate; and there is the narrow gate. 

The devil is super-duper subtle and wily.  And he is always skirting close to the Truth, such that, were they not elect, even such would be deceived.


Now, I'm going to take a hard turn (not really, but kind of, because it's actually related to strait and narrow gates re understanding how supernatural, spiritual/mortal communications work.)

And time is short, so I'll just cut to the chase and relate the previous and currently yet confirmed findings.

People wonder and are intrigued with the idea of reincarnation; because, it seems many, if not most of us seem to particularly relate to various eras and experiences in history.  For instance, my mom was pretty much convinced that she lived in an early 20s Gatsby like era.  She "remembered" things about it--was drawn to it and could uncannily display it through talent, inclinations, fashion, cultural appurtenances of the time.  She also had an Egypt/Cleopatra era comprehension that didn't make sense unless she had once lived through it.

My wife . . . relates to and shows talents and abilities that (seemingly) could only come from actually once had lived a life in the 1920's 30's early 40's of America--the songs, the fashion, the culture etc.  And also renaissance times.  She's got that one too.

Myself, when I was Hindu and believed in reincarnation, I was fairly well convinced I had done time in ancient Greece/Rome . . . middle ages knight times, Shogun samurai era Japan, some Kung Fu monasteries in China, ashrams in India--an ascetic monk, cowboy and Indian times (me being an American Indian, and world war 2.  If I believed in reincarnation, (which I once did) I'd be certain, and could almost prove it, that I had experienced all those times.

What are these "memories"?  Besides reading a few books, why can I almost instantly "be there" and "remember" exactly what it was like in each situation?  I mean, down to very specific details and general memories of what it was like.  It's like time travel.  I can be there.

When I became a dedicated, fully Christian, born again Bible believing follower of The Way, Jesus . . . I had to sort that out.  

So I went into prayer and thought/meditated on the phenomenon.  I look forward to expounding on all of this, hopefully in a podcast or something similar. . . . 

But for now, I'll relate this:  what I believe I was told/shown . . . is actually fairly simply.  

The Holy Spirit (God) is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent.  The Holy Spirit particularly is through all and relates spiritually to the mortal.  He is access to the mind and Spirit of God.  The Holy Spirit (God) has been everywhere, is through all, seen all, authored all, and "time" is not an issue.  SO, when you have the Holy Spirit, you have access to the mind of God, as a child of God, made in His image.  So you basically have a sort of Spiritually based "time machine" that can access all that has gone on in any given era of this age, (let alone, of course, being shown Truth in all things, primarily, SPIRITUAL TRUTH/GOD.)

\NOW, combine that with-- remember, He is in all, through all, author of all--CELLULAR, dna, physical body memory. Just like how we inherit certain talents, inclinations, diseases, proclivities, looks etc., from our familial, dna/cellular lineage, THAT is also within us.

If you combine being connected to the all-present, timeless Spirit of God (Who has seen, been present during all the different eras/cultures/races of this mortal worldly history and time, including animal, fauna experiences) WITH . . . one's personal dna/cellular memory from your ancestors . . . well then, you find yourself being able to "time travel" to experience a semblance of that--of what has gone before, and what is now, throughout the creation/creatures.

The occultists (and demonic realm characters) know these things and try to and do use it to their (albeit temporary) advantage . . . and have come up with ( over time ) useful philosophies and theories like "reincarnation" in order to throw you off the Truth of the matter.

[BTW, this also relates to how Prophets can See things in the future and can divine the past, encapsulate the present--via The Holy Spirit, Who is ubiquitous.]

Somewhat related to this, but a different topic . . . is the experience of "hearing from" or "communicating" with the dead, especially passed loved ones.  For instance, you have a dream or strong experience awake--a profound feeling of a presence of a passed, communication from ie., a loved one.  I've had it, my wife has, and I know many others have as well.... 

[Remember, angels are messengers.  They can travel "Jacob's Ladder", going to and fro between the Heavenlies and this "mortal coil".]

Imagine a passed loved one, who is in Heaven (sometimes, as like Lazarus, from Hell) who has fond caring and prayerful concern for the loved one(s) yet on temporal "earth". . . .  Prayers and supplication and passion and loving care prompts the mortal to recall and miss the dead loved one, hope they are okay, would love to "hear" that they are. . . .

Those earnest prayers are heard and picked up by the angelic councils.  The request/prayer gets kicked up to The Big Man, God.  It gets approved (according to His Sovereign will and design) . . . and, so, the dedicated (guardian?) angel/messenger goes to the subject (of the prayers/thoughts) in Heaven . . . and than "absorbs", "records"--gets angelically imprinted with the personal impetus/message/feeling conveyed.  Angels, I believe, have a capability to harbor, carry and impart a perfect replica of the soul's personality/intent that they are taking the message from . . . and then this is relayed, either through a dream or a powerful feeling of presence TO the intended mortal target, or visa versa.  

Ie., a "deceased" father in Heaven . . . or a grandmother or a friend or whoever is allowed to send a sweet, quick message of comfort from Heaven to the target (ie., son, daughter, cousin, wife, husband, friend) "below" can request that.  And so can the mortal ask and pray for a "message/sentiment" to be conveyed.

This is where people here mistake "hearing from their dead loved ones" directly, when, it's really an angel, conveying "the message".  

This all happens through the medium of prayer and supplication and loving intent, and usually when those attributes of each the subject and intended target  (between the departed and the living )are happening roughly at the same "time".

SO, you are not "communicating with the dead"--and it is a fairly rare instance anyhow--you are hearing from, or sending to, a messenger/angel who is transporting a spiritual, sort of, "digital" (using modern terms) imprint/export of the sentiment/message.

And for sure, other than sheer, sincere, spontaneous LOVE and need for some sort of sign (which may or may not be granted) one is never to make a work of it.  As in, those who deliberately seek to commune with "the dead" . . . will most likely end up communing with demons who also have a semblance type imprint/recording capability of presenting the personality/person.

It is not something that one should seek out.  BUT, within God's grace and mercy, I believe He will allow sometimes for an angel to convey either a message from the mortal or from the deceased.  And I believe there is scripture that can justify this theory. 

There is something to that sense of having lived before, in another life, another time.  But I'm saying it is where ancestral dna/cellular memory, so-to-speak, combined with the all-present knowledge and experience of the Holy Spirit/God combines.  It is NOT reincarnation. 

Indeed, there is something to that sense that one gets a feeling, a "message" from the deceased--a loved one. . . .

It's just not the way that it is popularly proposed through the ages.  The devil and his minions are always mimicking the truth of the thing--an "almost true" explanation . . . and then, if they get you to fall for THEIR version of it . . . next thing you know, you are in a cult or lighting candles and worshipping dead people and demons.

I've spent time and experience wondering and asking and praying about these types of experiences (which I've had) . . . and this is what I believe I was shown regarding the matters.

Just sharing thoughts :)

God Bless YOU!


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