Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Interesting Times

I started writing this post during the midst of the Palisade fires in CA. . . . Every time I try to write or finish it, something comes up and I can't quite get it done.  Then I thought it could come off as complaining or too woe is me.  Whatever challenges I face I know pale compared to the suffering of so many others.  I have never been one for self pity.  
Anyway, I'll go ahead and just post what I started, see below, fwiw.:

"Greetings and wow.
Where does one start. . . ?

And I don't like saying "I" . . . "me" . . . "my" and have it be about that.  I'm just sharing (humbly, noting, getting old, old man wisdom)
I don't even know where to start.  I've tried to write several times--end up erasing it.

So much is going on for so many.  My heart breaks for all.  My hope still beats.

Personally, getting hammered from all sides.  
I dare say, I saw this "day" coming.   

I get flak for being a "prophet of doom".  It is not me wanting to bring anyone down.  I just see how things will go, student of history and scripture, and try to warn, for what it's worth, mostly so that one can have a semblance of material preparations, but above all Spiritual.  

Because, the bottom line, one way or another is (in this fallen world) death.  SO!  WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT!?

That has been my supreme quest, since a young age.  I was startled as a child to note that the adults and others around me never thought to give a thought about what the purpose, meaning of life is, ultimately.

I have some family (cousins) who lost everything in Palisades fire.  Mormon families, with lots of children--been there for 10 years--then BAM!  Explosion of fire, devastation.  Well, and Mormon families are very sentimental, deliberate regarding all their memories, possessions, and safe situations.

Also had a couple of musicians, old friends there, who I've played music with for years . . . they lost everything.  

It kind of reminds me of one of my early on "vision" posts about "the day of slaughter". 

Our youngest son and daughter-in-law and their old dog "uncle Banjo" there (on good advisement) booked it outta town for a bit to shelter into a safe space.  

Things are very fluxy.   "FLUXY".  

And I say "fluxy", because, meanwhile, on the ground, in my day-to-day, workman world--keeping "life and limb" material realm together--things have lately been very unusual.  It has only happened a few times over the last 40 years, where I suddenly didn't have work.  I have never advertised--have always had ongoing personal references and recurring consistent longtime (house painting) clients.  But twice this year--once for an unusual scary stretch last summer (my usually busiest time) . . . and now!  

Just before the fires kicked off, I got temporarily pulled off a fairly big job where one of my longtime clients got diagnosed with colon cancer.  He's about my age.  When the fake pandemic was going on, I still continued to work, and was working for him.  I told him, as I told many others, early on that I didn't believe anything the government and experts were saying and NO I would not be getting the V!  I warned all who I could.

Well, most went ahead and followed the directives and propaganda.  

Several are dead now.  This client, I believe now has "turbo cancer"--is having an emergency operation tomorrow.  I pray he pulls through, but, sadly, I have my doubts.
Also, our daughter-in-law's sister (age 34, married, two young children) is married to a medical worker and ended up getting 3 or 4 doses.  She is now fighting for her life, as her breast cancer exploded and is in all her organs.  She doesn't have long.

Anyway, yeah, so on our homefront, it has been a bit stressful.  All of a sudden, all of my work just stopped.  I reached out to hustle up some work, and not even a response.  Very odd.  Super spooky.
I am highly recommended and have worked for these various people for years. 

I've suspected it could be that these disastrous past 4 years have caught up to many, even the well-off, who tend to be my paint clients.  It feels as though many are circling the wagons.

Hopefully, things will truly turn around here soon!  So far, all the right things seem to be getting done out of the gates.  I AM leery of Elon (never trusted the guy, not sure he's even real) and definitely suspect of the AI infiltration, ubiquity.  And certainly NO FAN of the new mRNA V's being floated.

Interesting times. . . .

1 comment:

Jesus is KING said...

So much is happening and most of it is not good. I concur with your Elon take. There has always been this "surreal" kinda vibe I get from him and I thought I was the only one seeing it. I am really wondering if he is all human or even human at all. Some of it could be simply Autism, but it is not quite that...

God Speed Bro and pray that you get work.


Brother Thomas ©2005

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