Sunday, January 26, 2025

Stay Strong And Don't Be Distracted

If you're ever beset, been beset (which, I dare say all are in this fallen, sinful world) and the call of faith (faith--without which you cannot please God) via The Holy Spirit comes calling, your spirit will respond.  And SO will all the enemies of faith.  They (the wicked, demonic minions) sound an alarm, and, where they had you pretty well under wraps (or so they imagined) they will come swarming back to attempt continued oppression.  Distractions, subversions, accidents, "bad luck" etc., (their pathetic playbook) will abound.

Hah!  It only makes their presence and evil intent more obvious.

Meanwhile "the angel of the Lord", and angels, and The Lord Himself, will sustain and show the Way to go, step-by-step.  

Stay fast.  Delve and strive into The Word, into earnest real prayer, speak in aloneness with God.  It is a proper fight, a battle.  Thank and praise and worship God, that He created and found and chose you to be with Him in His Eternal Kingdom!

His ways are mysterious to the fallen, mortal mind.  The SPIRIT--THE HOLY SPIRIT--will reveal the unspoken things, in angelic, Godly "talk" to your mind and soul.

Stay strong, and do not be distracted by the petty filth of the wicked.

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