Saturday, January 18, 2025

He Is Still Speaking

 I have an extensive recap post coming up regarding many things going on personally and recent, ongoing "events" in the world.  I've been working on it for days.  Several times I have erased it and started over.  I'll get it done, God willing. 

Meanwhile, I have this:

"It is difficult to live without some one to whom we can open our hearts and confide our secrets.  But to whom can we better disclose them than to Jesus, who, more than all the others, is a friend and the most faithful, the most constant, and the most worthy of our confidence.  Seek, therefore, in Him alone thy consolation and thy peace; lay open thy heart incessantly before Him; have recourse to Him in all thy troubles and be not discouraged if he seem to hide His countenance, for this is only the effect of His love towards thee, and the trial of thy fidelity towards Him.  Pray, entreat, and conjure Him in His bounty to assist thee; and be assured that, sooner or later, you will experience the effects of His goodness.

Preserve your heart for Him, and detached from every creature; love Him for the sake of His own infinite perfections; and love all things else only as they lead you to Him and to His love. 

Let pains, injuries, sorrows and humiliations become as welcome to thee as they were to Jesus Christ; and let the esteem and the praises of men be to thee objects of dread and contempt, because they were so to Him.  

In a word, accustom thyself to know Him, to speak to Him, to love Him, and seek to please Him in all things, that, living thus in the exercise of His love, the last motion of your heart may be an act of the love of thy dearest Redeemer"


Ok . . . last night in deep, passionate prayer and imploring . . . this is what He said.  This morning, I was compelled to seek my ancient little copy of Imitation of Christ, opened it "randomly" to a page.  And what I read was near word for word for I was "told" in that meditation and prayer last night.  He lives!  He is still speaking, to those who diligently, humbly, face on ground, yearn and strive to hear His voice and counsel.


1 comment:

Roger said...

Dear Bro. T.

WOW.. Thank you for this word today.. It's much needed and appreciated.
"In a word, accustom thyself to know Him, to speak to Him, to love Him, and seek to please Him in all things, that, living thus in the exercise of His love, the last motion of your heart may be an act of the love of thy dearest Redeemer"" This triggered a thought which I had this past week. I was thinking over the Lord's wisdom and creation; specifically how the "heart" works and how marvelous this organ is. It's average beat rate is approximately 75 b.p.m. It continues this mechanical rate for about 75 years perfectly. That's around 8 million beats in one's lifetime. So, how or why this popped up into my consciousness is a mystery? However, perhaps, something in the spirit could have anticipated your posting here? Anyways, I marveled over the Creator's wisdom and knowledge to produce something so incredible like this... It's an example of His endless creations.. Totally stunning and mind-bending..
"Let pains, injuries, sorrows and humiliations become as welcome to thee as they were to Jesus Christ; and let the esteem and the praises of men be to thee objects of dread and contempt, because they were so to Him." This is so beautifully articulated by you.. Truth.. There are lots of things I'm struggling with too, and like you wrote, take them to Him for healing...

Peace, Love and the Lord's Favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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