Sunday, February 11, 2024

Do Not Let Up In Desire To Know And Please God!

 "I am sensible of my natural corruption, which renders me incapable of all supernatural good, and prone to all evil: but cast myself on the mercies of a God who can bring much out of little, as He produced all things out of nothing; since it is not sufficient for me to know my own nothingness, and that I ought to glory in nothing save only in my infirmities; I should also (for this is most important) be guided by a humble diffidence in myself, and a firm confidence in God, to whom nothing is impossible.  

"When I find no consolation in man, then it is I feel indeed the happy necessity to have recourse in God, and of depending upon Him; happy that, all being wanting to me, without Thee.  O Lord, I should find my all in Thee!  Well might holy Job thus express himself: Thine eyes are upon me, and I shall be no more.  For when I think of Thee, my God! I feel within me an ardent desire of pleasing Thee, and everything disappears from before me, when Thou dost present Thyself to my soul."


This was given to me to impart today and bears (fwiw) the gist of my ongoing, current modus operandi, mentally, spiritually . . . in these days of intense, intended chaos and swirling demons yet on the loose creating havoc as much as possible before their time has come.  Everyday (let alone every minute!) we must observe the following scripture and keep it's warning close to heart--for even in small things, there is temptation towards the world.  

All is for and in and under the purposes and glory of God.  Strive!  Press!  Yearn!  He loves that you seek to love and know Him!  So many don't.  They don't give it even a shred of thought or care.  Maybe once or twice in a bad spot in life . . . for a desperate moment they barely do, giving it as much credence as throwing a penny into a wishing well; but then they (ignoring His mercy) go right back to their senseless, wickedly inspired gallivanting with the world (in uncontrolled thoughts, deeds, intentions, secret desires, deals made, etc. and etc.):

"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"  --Matt. 16:26

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