Monday, April 17, 2023

"Grey Terror" Goes to Redhot, Then Joy In The Morning!

 some notes from my post June 2020 re "Grey Terror":

"A change is gonna come/just like Animal Farm--you wake up one day with a hammer in your hand and a sickle on your arm.... So hoist that UN Flag/ raise a fist salute, bow down to your new comrade/ It's rule by fist and boot--there'll be violence in the suburbs/violence in the suburbs/violence in the suburbs when the Marxist roll into town....."  --(lyrics from my song "Violence In The Suburbs" WRITTEN IN 1988, recorded 2000)

 . . . attacks on water supplies, power supplies/plants . . . utilities in general--even sewer. . . .  Be prepared to weather poisoned municipal water sources . . . power outages, no plumbing etc., in some cases. . . . There are cadres and "special forces" type operatives well in place, prepared and who will be exercising the 'grey terror' phase of the takeover."


Yep.  Obvious to me, right again, fwiw . . . we are indeed seeing the "grey terror" well underway.  The food plants on fire, exploding, . . . the trains "derailing", killing of livestock . . . semi-trucks spilling hazardous wastes--in the "heartland" . . . weather-warfare . . . et al.

And the border . . . is fully open.  All sorts of agents, spec ops, grey terror experts, "military age" young men AND women, from all corners . . . are pouring in, embedding into the big blue cities, of course, but also, NOW . . . into the "heartland"--into the heartland, suburbs, fields, forests, small towns--hollowed out by meth/fent/pot/porn/occult. . . . etc.  

Yes, we are in for it.  Surrounded, infiltrated, infused, subverted, perverted, enervated, drugged, technologically assaulted, poisoned, surveilled, blackmailed, distracted. . . . DISTRACTED!

The "art of war".  It's an old timey, well-proven method of conquest. . . . I dare say, as I have for a long time now, happening, and now we are into the final phases.  If you're still around to see it, experience it . . . it will be just like it always has been.  As usual, traitors at the top levels, for decades now, have been selling out for their little pile of silver or gold or tawdry lusts and pleasures.  They got theirs, and they are leaving the people to the wolves (no disparagement to wolves, just using metaphor:)

BUT . . . there is some solace in knowing and realizing it's no surprise.  AND . . . the "good" folk really have not had much to do with it.  The "elite" (as they like to think of themselves) own it.  THEY have allowed and encouraged it, and been bribed, perverted in soul and spirit and mind, to acquiesce to the literal and supernatural destruction.  

However . . . those who have read The Book . . . and know the FINAL ending . . . aren't surprised, and also don't resist in the flesh--for we fight not against flesh but against . . . well . . . you know who!. . . . .

From what I can see from this little ol' watchtower over here . . . it looks like 2024-25 is when all hell breaks loose.  There will be activated cells everywhere.  "Grey terror" . . . will get hotter and move steadily into blatant redhot terror.  

And, as I've been being shown, I do believe, it will increase . . . and then, suddenly turn into a very striking moment, where all is lost, so-to-speak.  

There will come a day . . . when it's obviously "game over".  

THAT moment is where I--as father, husband, man, believer, citizen--have been stewing upon for years, wondering just what to do. . . . Because, I know, by then, all of the exits, retreats, redoubts, hideouts etc., will already have been wrapped up and near impossible to escape to, because of the ubiquitous surveillance state of things.  

HENCE, why I've continued to truly impress . . . the premier need and purpose to be utterly focused on, dedicated to, resigned to GOD!  To THE TRUTH!  

No one gets out of here alive, regardless . . . SO . . . definitely . . . the one thing, at least you can commit to, and feel confident in . . . is the SALVATION OF YOUR ETERNAL SOUL! Praise Jesus! 

For all will die!  What is important and meaningful ABOVE ALL . . . is . . . . . . THEN WHAT?  

Where will you go from here?!  

Did you aid and abet the rebels, the traitors, the liars?  

OR did you hold out, come what may, standing fast in your mind, heart, body, soul, spirit toward and in THE TRUTH OF GOD, HOLY FATHER OF ALL!!!?   THAT is all that matters in the end!  THIS is not our home.

Hold fast, hold fast, HOLD FAST to that which is True!  . . . TO HE Who is Truth!

It's about to get rough.  Things will change on a dime.  One day we will not be able to communicate like this with one another, and each will be left to their own devices.  Isolated. Marginalized.  Dehumanized. Targeted. Maligned.  Assaulted, bereft of what were normal associations and general living of life as it has been.  

No.  It will be a hard break.  It will be terror and fear and oppression and threat in general. . . . 

And no, I am NOT enjoying bearing this news and vision.  I never have enjoyed bringing it. I have simply seen it for nearly as long as I've been alive here and observing. It's a bit of a burden, actually, for there is little that seems able to be done, for the die is cast. . . . It is like being forced to watch a trainwreck, inexorably, inevitably underway . . . and the forces and trajectories are too huge, too long running, for a simple soul to obviate or thwart.  One can but shout alarm, seek Safety, protect others as able . . . and then watch and experience as it all comes about.

YET, I do always see the upside and positive benefit of being, at least, somewhat prepared mentally, physically, SPIRITUALLY (of course!) for the trouble times ahead and foretold of. . . . Because one can at least prepare as able--especially in the Spirit, soul, heart, mind, body.

Great glory and joy and peace and love and perfection and eternal veracity within the ever loving and good and just arms of The Lord awaits the faithful!  

THERE IS NO BETTER OUTCOME than that for those . . . WHO BELIEVE and have FAITH in the Word and Love and Truth of GOD!  There is JOY in the morning!  

Once this nightmare is past, there will be peace and glory and eternal joy in the morning!

So, thus, knowing this, we can taste the joy now--we can imbibe of it, dwell in God--because HE dwells in us, and His presence and purpose rapturously carries us on our way Home--albeit through warzones and minefields and flitting, corrupt demons harassing about. . . . 

We are blessed to live in a time where the stark contrast between Good and Evil is so obvious!   


1 comment:

Roger said...

Greetings Bro. T.

You wrote, "From what I can see from this little ol' watchtower over here . . . it looks like
2024-25 is when all hell breaks loose." Well isn't this interesting? It wasn't so long ago
that I listened to a short interview of T.C. and G.B. Anyways, G.B stated that by 2025 we
will be in a world war and be using the CBDC (crypto). BTW, W.B. sold all of his holdings in
TSM. So, it seems that Taiwan will get hit by someone across the pond from them in the near
future. Yep. Everything is ratcheting up as you have stated and warned over the years. I've
tried to explain this to a few and all I get are blank and uninterested stairs in return.

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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