Thursday, November 3, 2022


 Knowing and seeing, and hearing of many droppin' dead.  

Not in the old way, where people just died over time . . . but, yeah ^suddenly died^ . . . . 

People, family, acquaintances . . . getting ^sudden^ re-surgent 'cancer-y' things. . . .

I do not feel great about the ^shedding^ appurtenance(s) . . . . But am keeping an eye on it--what to do, if it's a thing.. . . . .

BUT . . . as always, trusting God.

Me? I've just kept trucking along . . . been around all kinds of people, whether in stores, jobs, homes, shows etc,. thru the whole thing so far. . . . . THOUGH, yes, as normal, I do have my typical ^aging^ physical breakdown stuff going on . . . as I near ( I'm almost there! yay!) my 60th year in this currently fallen realm. . . .  5 days away. . . . .

Well . . . and just noting . . . I haven't been "sick" . . . had the "flu" or anything like that for at least 15 years . . . . Yes, I've had some couple or so bad cold's, flu's before that time period . . . but oddly . . . in these last roughly 15ish years I haven't been "sick" with anything at all.  (Other than the expected, body-breaking-down a bit here-and-there. . . . 

Def not bragging or making a specific point at the moment. . . . 

Just as usual, reporting, truthfully, while being a devoted (thank GOD!) follower of God. . . . 

Just sayin' . . . . . . . .

And, well . . . . . (hard break---


Bottom line . . . Hell is Hell.

You don't wan't to be there UNLESS you DO....

(Turns out, things are fair--those who want and desire Hell . . . actually get their wish . . . and end up there. . . . .) So it is Just.  Justice reigns.

Hell Is Real.

There is a lot horrific about it--the place of your eternal soul, if you go there. . . .  The worst of it . . . . 


You have no idea (unless you've been Shown it) how utterly, deadly, deathly, bereft, hopeless, hopeless, hopeless . . . what it is like . . . to be a soul . . . to be a creature . . . a being . . . with a soul . . . and . . . then find yourself in HELL! (Deservedly!) . . . . . . . . . without the PRESENCE OF GOD!--WITHOUT THE PRESENCE AND (even small) BLESSINGS OF YOUR CREATOR!....

It is beyond anything you have ever experienced or imagined in this--even fallen--world--. It's no joke.



Wake up . . . to the Truth . . . and to the HISTORICAL FACT (I DARE SAY!) that GOD, The Father, with The Holy Spirit infusing all . . . had His Beloved Son . . . SUFFER . . . all the horror and nonsense and EVIL that you are born to inherit--HE TOOK IT ALL UPON HIMSELF FOR YOUR FALLEN SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FOR YOU! (Unless you deny and hate Him. . . . )

How dare you worry about temporary machinations of the sos political shuck and jive distractions!


..... YET, and praise God,  you may find yourself . . . WORSHIPPING THE ONE AND TRUE AND ONLY GOD . . . !

If you don't . . . well . . . I wouldn't wish THAT on my worst enemy. . . !

Seriously. . . . . HELL... IS REAL....




ENOUGH of the nonsense!.... It ain't no game.... 


It's real.

\It is everything you suspect ( if you are led to suspect and abide to Truth...)


 I will tell you this right now.. . . . . . . . . 

The last thing you want (if you love God and Truth) is to find yourself . . . alone . . . with only . . . your own . . . small . . . self-centered . . . self . . . WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF GOD--WHO IS A BLESSING BY HIS MERE PRESENCE, LET ALONE ALL THE BLESSINGS OF LIFE, BREATH, EXISTENCE, SUSTENANCE, THOUGHT, FEELING, KNOWLEDGE, INTENTION, KNOWING, SALVE, COMFORT, LOVE, Etc., ...... 

PLEASE! If you have any vague sense of what "existence" is like WITHOUT GOD'S PRESENCE . . . then . . . RUSH, as you can (GOD WILLING) to His Gate, to HIS REALITY . . . . TO:




Roger said...

Dear Bro. T.

First of all... HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!

I was just pondering. Some save by wisdom. Some by admonition. Some by fear.
Yep. Hell is something to be dreadfully fearful of.
Which reminds me of Enoch's travels with Uriel. Uriel did take Enoch on some journeys.
In one case, there was an area that was so fearful and unnerving that they would not
come close to it. It's like they sensed the extreme pain and suffering. Ouch..
I do believe that Dante's Inferno is a pretty good allegory (metaphor) in regarding
certain levels or places (house with many mansions) where people end up after the
big "judgement." I think those old movies What Dreams May Come and Constantine sums
things up pretty closely. Isn't it so weird, uncanny or ironic how Hollyweird pins
things so succinctly and not so cryptically?? There truly seems to be a lot of truth
hidden within movies. But one has to have the right mindset to understand the real
message in those movies.
I've been reading some particular sections in the Apocrypha. 2nd Estras (Ezra),
Ecclesiasticus and the Wisdom of Solomon. Yep. It's all there for one to see, learn
and understand. There's no denying the fact that repentance and a humbling heart will
go a long ways with the LORD. But, the buck stops when you die as if you made your
bed which you have to sleep on for eternity.
I have also learned something really cool and worth sharing.
There were 3 prophets that were translated in the OT: Enoch, Elijah and Ezra.
The Most High always seems to work in certain numbers, especially 3's... Hmmm?

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Anonymous said...

A very good word, Brother. Thank you. Very edifying.

It is so easy to go wrong in this life. If I have compassions for them, and I am just this flawed and sinful human, I am certain God's compassion will win them. I believe our Father keeps people's bodies alive as he contends with their souls and allows them to make their final decision for or against Him.

If God allows such things, I myself will use the hereafter to rescue some folks from hell I knew who were good, and through whom God blessed me, but who were not set up in their lives to know Jesus. Jesus was not afraid of hell. In myself, I am. It is something I definitely don't want. In Him, I will deprive hell of any prizes it stole from the Lord. God willing, of course. It is His story.


Brother Thomas ©2005

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