Saturday, April 2, 2022

Old Men’s Dreams/Heaven & Hell

 Glimpses of Heaven… and Hell….

I want to be so careful. I know how easy it can be to slip into conveying personal thoughts, emotions, agendas…mere opinions VERSUS wanting to share …as simple and straightforward as fallenly able…messages and encouragement from God, from His realm…including even relations from His Heavenly messangers…..

I am thinking I dare say this (having stewed and prayed upon it for the last recent while)…. You’ve heard of  “the old men will dream dreams” so-to-speak….. Well…turns out, I’m gettin “old”… and “dreaming dreams”.

Quite bluntly, I’ll say…I am being shown the realms. Yes, there is the dreaming time, in the quiet of the night…. There is also, where that veil is thinning, and similar Sight can happen, matters are revealed in the “awake” time.

I’ve been an observer, analyzer, seeker, lover of God…since “forever” …. as have you who are reading this. God willing I pray to be able to surely relate…what I am seeing, being shown…. 

It has to do with the real heaven and hell… and especially shown an encouragement for those who love and seek God above ALL!

I’m not certain if it is that MY time is short, or a bunch of (our) time is short—well, and it always is, right? But this seems indeed to be an especially pertinent moment in time, regarding the times…. 

And I don’t say that lightly! I’ve  been watching, observing, studying, praying…over the tines…sincerely…and have held back many impulses to talk and shout and get clout etc., etc. Because… the stakes are so high.. and this thing is real! But long ago, I didn’t “take the ticket”, and chose the hard (in this world) path , when presented with “the crossroad”.

I want to share/say more… please, I appreciate your prayers to help me —ha! Yes! There is/are always attempted deliberate thwartings every time I broach it…(Although, nowadays…the Spirit is insurgent and backing up strong!

For now, I will dare—as feeble an attempt as I can manage—to assert …. Heaven is real. So is Hell. 

God, our Lord is sweet, loving—knows EVERYTHING about YOU personally…and this world is not our Home…we are behind lines in enemy territory for now…every moment matters…and all that you have craved deep in your UNIQUE) spirit and soul… will be answered for…because He is Good … and knows intimately and created YOU for His glorious, divine purpose.

Aaaand Hell sucks! Haha.. sorry.. but just to be blunt, in crass worldly terms..IT DOES… ! And you don’t want to go there.

Aye! Please… pray for me (i dont beg or ask much ever)… to be able to convey, properly… what I am being shown…

God bless you

Thank you for your friendship and familiarity! God’s Family!

Get right with God. Heaven is so far beyond lovely than what you might have imagined! Hell is worse than you’ve probably imagined.

God willing…I would pray to go into more detail—there is nothing wrong in wanting to know and hope! We are made fir that! 

I know you, like all us fumbling, fallen Children, crave to know , though we intrinsically understand that we can only be shown what is proper and best for our personal time and place…. 

YET we crave to know more about Him and His Kingdom! Which is fine, because it is instilled in our souls, Intentionally, and He loves that we love and yearn for His plan for us….


Roger said...

Hello Dear Bro. T.


Now, for a little bit about hell-on-earth. I recently discovered that 2 famous
broadcasters where taken out because they were basically over the target about
reptilians and such which is similar to that old movie They Live and Soylent Green.
If you amalgamate these two movies and include things about missing persons, then
you get my drift. So, like all of those hikers that go missing in the mountains
isn't any mere coincidence either. I remember Trish mentioned that sasquatch comes
through portals. Portals are real and exist all over and creatures and entities
from other realms use them all the time. It's like when you notice something one
moment and when you blink, it's (he/she) isn't there the next moment. I've had
a few moments where I believe I seen this happen. So, In Time, men's hearts will
fail them, because when the meat-suits come off those reptilians, people will be
in total shock. And there are all kinds of creatures flying around which you can't
see NOW, but you eventually WILL. When the first prototype night vision scopes
were developed, soldiers break-downs from the things they saw. Then the company
changed the color filters to green, and those creatures could no longer be seen
through those military goggles/scopes. This is precisely why my dog would jump up
from the floor with the hair on her back standing straight up and growling at the
window. (There was obviously no one outside my house on those clear days and dogs
and cats can see in the ultraviolet range which us humans can't).

Well, I think I wrote more than a mouthful today. I'm so sorry about that Bro. T.
I hope this posting will reassure a few of your readers and let them know there's
a lot of HOPE in the LORD. We are all here for His purpose and to help others.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 The Lord has got this, and everything is in order by Him :)

Much peace, love, and Yah's favour,

Roger said...

Hello Dear Bro. T.


So, speaking of "hell," I do believe that hell can be metaphorically if not
allegorically compared to Dante's Inferno (Divine Comedy) discussing the 9 levels
of hell. Zeph once mentioned the movie Constantine. He stated that hell is much
worse than that movie. Anyways, I've had a few spiritual voyages and was shown some
specific areas. Hell is quite differentiated too. In one experience, I found myself
at the top of a 20-step staircase. At the bottom of the staircase were two doors
with some light and mist coming through the cracks around the doors. I attempted
to take one step down and immediately pulled back because of the severe coldness.
The coldness would undoubtedly get harsher with each step down. I can't imagine
what kind of evil creatures actually existed beyond those doors and what were their
sins (crimes)? Another experience reminds me of that old movie with Robbin Williams
called What Dreams May Come. When he travels to hell, everything is gray with no
color at all. There's a scene where he walks (runs) through a field in which he has
to step on heads which are sticking up through some kind of mire (feces?). This
may quite represent what I've been told that is called the Planet of Misery. Here
will be people (entities) in such misery that all they do is groan continuously.
My closest experience to this is something where I found myself walking through
a field of ankle-deep mire. Ugh, it was really unpleasant. I've been also informed
that there is a Planet (Place) of Shame too. Here's where people walk around all
day long with their heads down, similar to horses. I haven't seen or experienced
this place, but I suspect that the ones there were the ones which refused to
acknowledge the Lord in one way or another.

Much love, peace and Yah's favour,

Roger said...

Hello Dear Bro. T.


Very interesting indeed. Yep, pretty spot on as usual. Thanks. Well, I do have a
few things (I'm lying of course, he he) to add for your readers that come here.
I'm seriously anticipating that this will be a lengthy posting, so please bear
with me and humor me just a little bit :) Anyways, I had to break this post up
into 3 parts. LOL. Sorry about that...

First, just a little pleasant and happy stuff as a faith-builder. Did you guys know
that the Lord has His portals too? (More on portals later on down the line here).
Who gets to go through them is way beyond my pay grade. There are several
Examples of translocation in the Bible. Two examples come to mind is Enoch and
Philip in Acts. Enoch and a few of his devoted disciples were translated and never
tasted death. Philip had a conversation with a eunuch and was instantly found
somewhere else afterwards. He was trans-located (portal?). Besides portals, the
Lord uses time dilation and invisibility to keep you from physical harm. And His
Holy (guardian, warrior, messenger) angels can intervene in several different ways
too. So, there are many ways the Lord can keep you protected and safe.

Much love, peace and Yah's favour,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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