Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Being Messed With

 Sometimes... ever since... i like to pop-off and share...what seems to be a far-out , science-fictiony , Spirit whispered... “download”. I dare say... over time , they turn out to be correct (as far as one can tell;).....

Got one last night/morning...as usual...in that hypnagogic state...where veil gets thin (note: thats why the occultists use that time as their “witching hour”)...BUT , apparently it works both ways! Hah! Note, I don’t USE it... it just happens (I believe, according to The Spirit).

Anyway, for my friends, I’ll just cut to the chase....

We’ve been doused and bodily infiltrated with “nano-demonic” substances for a while now, the intent of which, is indeed to transhuman us away from our original God created psycho-spiritual-biological state.... 

To varying degrees (and bodily infiltration) we are all being messed with. Hence the new weird series of dreams, sleeplessness, buzzing continual fear and anxiety emotions, memory issues etc., etc.

Just know... that these various and insidious instigations and malevolent machinations effing with your body and mind.. are not YOU! They are trying to (and quite effectively for now) transform you into a controllable human robot of sorts susceptible to (eventually) moment to moment programming.

Your designed and chosen (meant to be) eternal SOUL is above and beyond and transcendental to all of that/this!

Nice try Scratch! 🤣 Get behind me!

BUT .... you will need to (and will find yourself) circumventing all their tawdry, perverse machinations, intentions..... 

You KNOW WHAT/WHO you Know... and that CAN’T and WON’T be taken away or lost from you!—

Bro T, out! For now....😎🙏🏻


Oh! And yes seth! I’m always alluding to and encouraging the gist of the subject (within my posts) you asked about.... AND , fwiw, i thank God you addressed it! I believe, in this time, it is lovely and a life-line ... to apprehend! A GREAT AND MAJESTIC mystery is wrapped up in it—one which has never ceased (well, since about age 7 at least) to inspire, sustain and direct me through all:)! (Free will with God’s ultimate, perfect sovereignty) Fascinates me to no end! AND .... i do believe... will continue to fascinate us TO NO END! It really is at the crux of being a creature, Created ... by God.

1 comment:

ROGER said...

Hello My Dear Bro. T.

Heh. I did some back reading of your posts. Starting with the latest. Anyways,
I was going to elaborate on this post some time ago, and don't know where or
how time slipped by me. But, here am I. You wrote,"To varying degrees (and
bodily infiltration), we are all being messed with. Hence, the new weird series
of dreams, sleeplessness, continuous buzzing, fear, anxiety, emotions,memory
issues and etc." Well, for over 2 years now, I've noticed a continuous low level
buzzing going on in my head. Perhaps, this is related to 5g? Or maybe HAARP?
Or, some other kind of psycho-tronics? And then there is that emotional thingy
you mentioned. Since the "enemy" quite likely knows who's here, I'll have to be
rather circumspect and hold back on some personal experiences related to this.
Let's just say it's been a really emotional roller coaster. Perhaps, I've been
been put back in some kind of "remembrance" in order to work through some of
these past issues? So, I pray to the Lord to heal me of these issues. To be
forgiving of my past tormentors.

Peace and much love,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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