Saturday, August 28, 2021

Tough Loving Warriors In The Fight

 I hate evil. Thank God ... i keep finding myself hating evil. Evil is real. When i got born again so-to-say... first was the four hour vision, “great dressing down” humbling experience... seeing myself naked, all pretenses exposed and addressed lovingly, but severely, before The Lord... one on one... being shown, talking, shown things about myself, reality, the future... more than words can adequately describe here—ya gotta See it.... 

Then, the second of the “one/two punch”... He showed me evil. He showed me that evil is a real thing...and that it comports with WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS it is!

Since then, everything Seen.... continues to be confirmed. 

Just sayin’...

Just Writing....

God bless and protect and heal and lift you, I pray still!

Martyrs.... are blessed.... Be strong, be savvy, be sweet and loving.... and TOUGH warriors in The Fight!

1 comment:

ROGER said...

Dear Bro. T.

Thank you for all that you do. I get a lot of comfort and encouragement by reading
your blog. Knowing that there are just a few people in this world whom I can trust.
And also, thanks for helping me build my vocabulary too. I just added "comport"
to it. Between you and Zeph, my word document is about 20 pages long!! It's great
to keep one's mind active by learning.
Yep. There's going to be some testing coming our way soon. To me it seems that it
is the Lord's way of refining us.
It was nice to read about your "dressing down" experience again. I've always
remembered exactly how you described it when visiting with Zeph.

Peace and much love,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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