Thursday, August 20, 2020

Trust The Plan!

Besides the long terms plans for a global government ruled by demon-infested vessels, which has been broiling under the surface . . . since . . . The Garden, obviously, they/it are in a full-court press now.  I think a lot of what is going on currently (the riots, the fake pandemic etc.) is because they are finally getting exposed.  

It all use to happen behind the scenes--and how horrific it has been!  But now, they are being shown for what they are and have been all along; among other things, Satan-worshiping pedophilic sodomites, plain and simple.  The horrors that are now being revealed through interviews like those now pouring forth on Youtube via interviewers like Shawn Attwood and John Wedger are blowing the lid off the hidden demonic underworld that has been festering and corrupting our civil/spiritual culture for years.  That (especially!) but also the whole global crime syndicate/cabal . . . increasingly being exposed . . . has driven them to hysterical attempts to distract, isolate and marginalize via, ie., the current "lockdown" and censoring.  They are only making themselves more obvious.  They have been able to "run on for a long time" but "sooner or later God's gonna cut you down."  No one should ever envy their temporal power and seeming ability to avoid justice they seem to evince while they carry on their utterly wicked, diabolical practices.

Of course, a cornered beast will lash out, so increased vigilance is required.  For instance, if I lived in a state where "child protective services" is well known for actually being a conduit to minor sex trafficking . . . I would be very, very wary.  Arizona is at the top of the list of these compromised states, for instance.  Me?  I would be keeping my head low, not drawing attention to myself and my beautiful family, children.  And this applies to anyone, anywhere with little ones to protect from the thrashing beast.

For all the terrible suffering those who have been subject to this Satanic Ritual Abuse have gone through, I always have to look to God's allowance of such things.  It is further evidence . . . that this life is short--as awful as it has and will be for many--and that, compared to the glories and rewards of Heaven, of eternity spent in loving communion with God, it is but a wisp--a fleeting nightmare.  It must be so.  This proves--this is the evidence of the stakes at hand!  This life is a vapor, truly--it must be, otherwise it makes no sense.  "TRUST THE PLAN", hah!  There is a REAL plan, perfectly designed by the Creator of all . . . though here, as though "looking through a glass darkly" indeed, it can be difficult to perceive.  Hence the absolute need for FAITH and the knowledge that God is good and loving.  Things are truly not what they seem from the mortal, temporal view.  Hence, why:

". . . . faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. ... And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

1 comment:

ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

Yeah. "Yahweh will cut them down." Sounds like a line from a Johnny Cash song?

Circumspection. Keeping one's head down. Trying to stay under the radar. All of which I haven't done such a good job at in the past. But, I'm learning :)

I think all of this Covid-19 stuff kicked off at about the time that the news about Jeffery Epstein hit the MSM airways? So, this is kind of a marker which supports your view that TPTB need to create a distraction.

If one follows Pareto's Distribution, I would suspect that at least 80% of the people will opt-in for their vaccine and ID2020. And because of the RNA that's in the vaccine, their DNA will be changed and will no longer be acceptable to the Most High and the Lord. Written out of the Book of Life. And then Apollyon will appear and torment them for 4 months. After which, THEY will be angry at the one's whom were marked by Yah. The masses just don't get it. It's sad to think that pastors will probably convince their congregations to take the vaccine. I know a guy who's really serious about church, and he questions my knowledge of this vaccine thingy and the mark of the beast. Says, he has a family to feed. I suspect that he's got little faith.

Like you said (written) in the past, we are here for this specific time and Yah's plan. It's NOT about us, it's about the Lord's plan and will. (I'm finally starting to understand and get this).

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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