Saturday, August 15, 2020

Respect Your Elders, Learn To Be WISE

Wise old men. . . . A treasure.  Of course, we remember (right?) Pol Pot and every other tyrant using the youth (youths' hubris, self-righteousness, know-it-all natural anger) . . . where the "youth" get guns and a free pass (plus pay!) to terrorize those who remember--who are learned . . . and know history . . . and finally, the creepy pedo tyrants use angry, confused, neglected children to effect extermination  (of the rememberers) via camps, poison, murder, threats, intimidation etc., and etc.  

Obviously, the plan (as tediously usual in this fallen world) is to threaten those with knowledge--to marginalize them--calumnies tossed at them, their children, friends, family etc., turned against them (they wanna kill 'the old') ... JUST LIKE POL POT and the other endless psychopath satanic tyrants we've seen through the ages.... 

Now . . . it's just being mechanized and globalized, mass-produced on world scale--but, as David Bowie once sang, "Same old thing . . . in brand new drag . . . pretending it's a whiz-kid world, they'll take you aside...."

Anyway.... don't abuse or neglect or dis-respect your elders.... We've seen a thing or two....!  Know a thing or two. . . . 

Hubris . . . self-righteousness . . . spiritual pride . . . ETC> is a killer! .... Grow up . . . and be wise.   

Meanwhile, check this cat out... Good basic advice re what's coming....

1 comment:

Mark said...

I cannot stress enough DON'T TEST for the corona, some if not all the test swabs are being intentionally infected with covid 19 .I might also note that the death rates are much higher with adults than children . Remember their plan is to have the children for themselves so kill off the adults .Baphomet is their God .

Brother Thomas ©2005

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