Monday, June 29, 2020

RIOTS revisited ("they are a marker")

Some of you, I think go back with me to earliest days of the message board The Lamb's Cafe (2004-5?) I use to write there and then started blogging here 2006-7? roughly. . . . Started doing regular guest spots on early Internet radio shows, primarily on Zeph Daniels' landmark early broadcast's. 

Anyway, here below is a poignant blog entry I wrote in 2008 which references some of the basic issues, predictions, warnings that I "specialized" in -- primarily "RIOTS" in this one.  It would appear, at last we have come to that point where all is converging. . . .


Originally posted April 26, 2008

"The more I see and hear about what is being set up . . . which all steadily conforms to nearly exactly how I’ve seen it coming for years . . . but now, looking around at all the pieces being put into place . . . . . it is sobering. Race wars have begun already, on the back streets . . . the colors have been spread out and filtered in among each other through the breadth of the country . . .

And now, the psyops are beginning to fan the flames . . . . The first show I ever did with Zeph . . . I think maybe in spring, May of 2005 . . . the topic was “riots” — a vision of riots I had . . . which was not specific on date . . . but simply shown to me to be seminal as events go . . . .
Frankie asked what would start them . . . and I replied something to the effect that they would be “diffused” meaning that they were going to be ubiquitous . . . and going for possibly several different reasons . . . combined into one perfect storm of rage, protest, anger . . . . . . by the people, on all sides.

I’ve written sporadically over the years about them . . . generally emphasizing that what seemed to be the main message shown to me was that they are a marker . . . in time and along the “events” route. It would be like “musical chairs” . . . . when the music stops, you better have a seat, or you’ll be left standing . . . . I compared that to the riots…. that when they begin in earnest–and there will be no doubt that they have–then, it is the end of things truly as we knew them before….. and everyone roughly will be frozen into place……little or no ability, ie., to re-locate . . . advance in wages or job . . . move, travel, and more.

For me, the vision seemed to say, when the riots come, it is the end of life as we have known it. It is the beginning of a new phase altogether. Things change drastically from that point on and never go back. Something like that……..

The same reading of signs and such . . . allowed me to predict on my maiden terrestrial am radio show in December of 1999 that “terror”, “terror attacks” were about to become the “next big thing”    . . . .  “Buttons” are being pushed, stages set, agents provoked, as clearly, many issues are converging into one giant whirlwind, or explosion onto the scene………. All I can think to do, is to continue doing good, loving God, loving one another, trying to be a friend to all, “holding on” . . . . . . as the inevitable makes its entrance stage left AND right. April 26, 2008"


This is also worthy of note (and know that the USSR did the same thing every time they were infiltrating and taking over a new country......)

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