Friday, June 12, 2020

Next Up, "Grey Terror"?

"A change is gonna come/just like Animal Farm--you wake up one day with a hammer in your hand and a sickle on your arm.... So hoist that UN Flag/ raise a fist salute, bow down to your new comrade/ It's rule by fist and boot--there'll be violence in the suburbs/violence in the suburbs/violence in the suburbs when the Marxist roll into town....."  --(lyrics from my song "Violence In The Suburbs" WRITTEN IN 1988, recorded 2000)

A recent photo from Seattle

Some things to watch and be ready for.... I expect (it may have already begun in some areas--we here are already off to a roaring start!) there will be an epidemic of wildfires which will exhaust state's resources and personnel this summer.  Regular, "natural" fires, yes will be there, but also many, many strategically located fires will be set intentionally.... Be aware, alert re where you live and have evac plans in mind, in place. . . .

Also . . . attacks on water supplies, power supplies/plants . . . utilities in general--even sewer. . . .  Be prepared to weather poisoned municipal water sources . . . power outages, no plumbing etc., in some cases.  Basic prepper considerations, only now, as this thing goes "hot" this summer and into fall . . . these won't be theoretical issues to respond to. . . .  There are cadres and "special forces" type operatives well in place, prepared and who will be exercising the "grey terror" phase of the takeover.

"All these operations — because of course none of these events is an accident — and others like them are known officially in the GRU as the ‘preparatory period’, and unofficially as the ‘overture’. The overture is a series of large and small operations the purpose of which is, before actual military operations begin, to weaken the enemy’s morale, create an atmosphere of general suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert the attention of the enemy’s armies and police forces to a huge number of different targets, each of which may be the object of the next attack."  

"The overture is carried by agents of the secret services of the Soviet satellite countries and by mercenaries recruited by intermediaries. The principal method employed at this stage is ‘grey terror’, that is, a kind of terror which is not conducted in the name of the Soviet Union. The Soviet secret services do not at this stage leave their visiting cards, or leave other people’s cards. The terror is carried out in the name of already existing extremist groups not connected in any way with the Soviet Union, or in the name of fictitious organizations."   --Victor Suvorov  (Soviet defector, former FSB/KGB officer, author)


C said...

We have a fire going here in Tucson now, in the Catalinas. Threatening the homes of the wealthy only. Lightning started it, they say.

ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

Yep. I've been following your blog very closely along with a few other very smart individuals.
There was an old movie called, "A Gray State." As I recall, its producer and family died in January 2015. Evidently, there was too much truth in the movie and TPTB weren't happy with its release.
So, here's Amazing Polly discussing 4th Generational Warfare.
Unfortunately, most people I visit with are pretty much clueless about what's coming down the pipes at all of us. Perhaps, you may have heard of the Pareto Distribution. Anyways, it's a ratio of 80/20 which is eerily accurate. If this Pareto Distribution holds true, I suspect that 80% of the population will take the mark-of-the-beast. In other words, Billy Goblin's 2020ID tattoo and roll-up-your-sleeve shots. Of course these have THEIR specifically designed nanoparticles in them. Which will take over one's whole body.
Like you always say, The Lord is our refuge and protection. I often think that the Bible was specifically preserved over the years just for this time. For our encouragement to stay faithful to The Most High.

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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