Sunday, March 9, 2025

Encounters And An Exodus Note

I've had three prominent  "supernatural" "visitations" "revelations" in the past year.  And many "smaller" signs, confirmations, so-to-speak.

Have been buried in The Word daily increasingly through it all.

The first of these recent intense encounters was, I believe, one of the most horrific and realistic visions of Hell that I've ever heard of.  

You would wish for chains dragging, burning fire, outer utter darkness; being poked, beaten, tortured . . . the moans, the groans, the "gnashing of teeth" and wailing, compared to how desperate and terrible it actually is.

What I saw was worse than that.  Infinitely worse!

If God allows and wants, it will be something I can share to a broader, needing audience.

I've heard others say they got "PTSD" from their vision/experience of Hell.  I got something like that, just from my brief, but devastating vision/experience.  It "scared the Hell out of me" as they say.  It's no joke.

The foolish (and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, "my worst enemy", even those that intentionally deserve or ignorantly want it) imagine that Hell will be being finally being freed from moral, societal and conscience constraints, and just a big nasty party.  Free from God, The Holy Spirit, Jesus.

And there lies the horror.  Indeed, those who hate and do not want God, will justifiably get what they want.  Only then do they realize, too late, that any joy, love, goodness, delight etc., that they enjoyed in mortal life, was God's presence and blessings.

THERE (Hell) there is no quenching of thirst.  You are hungry, but you will be forced to eat vile, poisonous, putrid garbage.  No satiation whatsoever.  Forever!

You loved yourself and darkness and wickedness in life, while benefiting from the ubiquitous presence and general blessings of God; and so, rejecting God, you end up with your awful, degenerate, selfish, hateful, barren, ruminating perverse mind/self . . . with NO CHANCE OF REPRIEVE.

Yeah, what I was shown was devastatingly worse than the typical depictions and descriptions of Hell.  Those things would be a relief, compared to the reality of the experience--the hopelessness and absence of God, left only with one's own putrid, wretched self.

I described it before here a while ago.

Meanwhile, I can't get enough of The Living Word, and prayer.

[Interesting  sidenote. . . . It was at least 2-3 million people, probably more, plus the livestock and pets, who followed Moses in the exodus, through the desert!  Imagine what it would take to supply, sustain such a large body of migrants through terrain where wood, food, water were scarce.  It wasn't a rag-tag thousand or so as depicted in Cecil B. Demille's epic "The Ten Commandments".  Not disparaging Cecil, just saying, historically, it was even a far more momentous (miraculous) accomplishment than many know.]


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