Monday, January 6, 2025

The Subtle, Steady Predator

Spooky.  I'm not buying any of it.  This seeming peaceful "transfer of power".  Just my opinion, hope I'm wrong.  But I sense something is afoot, and it will "strike" when you least expect it. . . . 

[Meanwhile . . . the "singularity" agenda/program is taking firmer and firmer hold, inside and out; and that alone may be the "strike". . . .]

The slow, steady tightening of the snake's maneuvers--while it seems comforting and soft at first . . . keeps on getting a subtle death grip.  Then, the snake, or an octopus ie., at the end of it's mission . . . does the last constricting submission move; then consumes its subject/prey.

A Day That Will Live In Infamy

 Today--a day that will live in infamy, Jan. 6, (for what the cabal instigated and the innocent citizens held as political prisoners) USSR style. . . . 

Chatter has it that "they" are planning some nefarious, explosive deed to frame patriots and thwart the "peaceful transition of power".  I pray not.

Friday, January 3, 2025

The Way . . . in these times

My heart breaks for everyone.  The fragility and pressure and heartache and struggle . . . for every single creature, large and small. . . .

I'm a nothing, barely nothing . . . but within my meager divinely templated, mortal heart . . . I hear the echoes of the pain and suffering and the lonely cries of all.  I fathom it is because, being made in the image of God, there is some sort of (albeit miniscule) semblance of His grief and passion.  Indeed, I shall re-iterate, it is but a mere MINISCULE semblance of His sorrow, mixed within the joy and glory and wonder, in this realm, but here it is.

He is so profound.  He is sovereign.  His ways are mysterious and unfathomable to us mere crawling creatures. . . .

Yet, here He Is!

It is actually a special, unique and un-looked for joy . . . to share . . . in even the tiniest particle of His majesty which comprehends, yes, dire suffering amidst the majesty and breadth of His Creation.

He blows my mind.  Thank GOD!  

Otherwise, I might find myself getting too full of myself and mistaking all of His gifts of existence for something that I, or we, or they, or any one creature concocted.

HENCE . . . why the wicked . . . always truck . . . to find a way to make themselves a god of sorts.  They get frustrated and angry that He does not fit into their scheme of things. . . .

Every cult, every religion, every urge, every pretentious pose, every thoroughfare OUTSIDE (as if it could EVER be OUTSIDE GOD) is THE fool's errand.

When He says, "I never knew you." . . . . He means it.

There is a reason that the angels sing and glorify and seek endlessly to glorify God . . . forever!  

There is nothing else.  There is no one else to be Praised, such as He!  And they who did not fall, are even now singing His praises and endlessly grateful to be a speck in His Eye, I dare say........

He is magnanimous to bestow a plethora and menagerie and intricate, complex designs throughout all of creation to bespeak His nearly unapproachable Nature/Being/Character . . . . . . . (THANK GOD HE ALLOWS THOSE WHO LOVE HIM TO APPROACH HIS INEFFIBLE BEING AND LITERAL PRESENCE!)

Then, there is the absence of His Presence and blessing..... Oh LORD! NO! NO! NO! Please Lord never leave me or cast me out of your Presence!  Your Word says there will be those who go there....NO NO NO Lord God, have mercy on me!


His majesty . . . surrounds all experience and being.

Fools dare to take a mere slight sliver of His glory, and try to make it their own.  FOOLS!  And I would not wish such fate on anyone!  But I . . . you . . . are not God and have no business telling Him how and what He ought do with HIS creation and creatures.


One can complain, cavil, rebel, reject, puff-up in degenerate pride and spiraling violent angst, etc,. . . . 

But to no avail.



Bow down, submit, relinquish foolish pride, PRAY PRAY PRAY that you shall be spared from His wrath!  

For He is HOLY.  It is His Nature, His Being.  Seeking His Holy Being that Is That He Is, is The Way 

And He is personal!  He will meet you like a friend--one YOU can interact with, personally, intimately. 

The Liar . . . seeks to deflect and obfuscate and subvert and pervert and control and oppress and torment to the point that the poor little soul is so beaten down that it gives up Hope and Faith in God, and just then, limply relinquishes to the evil one(s).

Well, and they (the evil ones) have a place that they desire and deserve, made for them, and are celebrating, parading about their way to there.

Those who thirst for righteousness and for peace and for love and above all: love of GOD ALMIGHTY SOVEREIGN KING OF ALL KINGS, CREATOR, I AM THAT I AM, GOD LORD SPIRIT . . . shall be comforted in the quietest moments--it's a still, small voice--the voice and Spirit of Truth, Who He promised to provide us with, regardless of the times, the chaos, the distractions!

Praise GOD!  LOVE GOD!  GOD IS LOVE (a supreme mystery which the Chosen will, God-willing explore FOR THE REST OF THIS ETERNITY!)

-bro t    

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy/Terrified 2025 and "BARFO"!

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 

But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.

O LORD, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.

Where can I go from Your Spirit?
         Or where can I flee from Your presence?

If I ascend to heaven, You are there;
         If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.

If I take the wings of the dawn,
         If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,

Even there Your hand will lead me,
         And Your right hand will lay hold of me."

--The Lord God Creator Of All, The Great I Am That I Am


Whenever I feel beset, concerned, anxious, wondering . . . I find recalling and meditating on the Truth that God is OMNISCIENT, OMNIPRESENT, OMNIPOTENT . . . brings me to my senses.  It is both terrifying and comforting at once.  Ah, the mystery of God!  He works in mysterious ways (to us) . . . and is both to be (righteously) feared and loved beyond all measure!  There is none greater.  There is nothing greater.  He is the all in all.

"When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all."  [This verse is heavy, deep and, in a way, explains it all, btw.]

The mystery of The Trinity, Who is God . . . causes many to stumble.

Why not, simply accept that God IS WHAT AND WHO HE IS!

Of course, the simple (albeit marvelous) human mind, of itself cannot comprehend the depth and breadth, and width of His Being--like an animal cocking its head to comprehend a man digging a trench for some purpose. . . . 

Such are our simple (yet complex and astounding) minds that try to comprehend the workings of God--HIS purposes.

The suffering--the allowance of wicked, cruel evil abounding and seemingly ruling this fallen, material realm. . . . It makes one wonder.

BUT . . . He has given us His Word, and there is a Divine Purpose to all of it!  WHICH, is none of our business--so far as criticizing, complaining, cajoling, twisting . . . thinking we, the fallen could do "it" better.  HENCE . . . Lucifer, who imagined he could . . . and we all are feeling, seeing, experiencing the result of that dreadful, foolish, prideful impetus.  

HENCE, why Hell exists.  For those who want to argue with, defy, hate GOD AND HIS SOVEREIGNTY (because their foolish pride wants to be God) there is a place He has made for them, which satisfies their rebellion against HIS will.  BARFO! [You've no doubt heard of FAFO--"Fck Around and Find Out"]  Well, I just made a new one--"BARFO" 

Be A Rebel and Find Out.

And yes, also, one of the (many) mysteries surrounding The Lord's nature, Being is that He has a "sense of humor".  OBVIOUSLY He does, because we do . . . and we were created "in His image". . . . 


AND, THANK YOU! I so appreciate your friendship, comradery, fellowship, interest, support  (you know who you are:) over here in this little inimitable (so far😬) corner of the realm.

Brother Thomas ©2005

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