Friday, November 29, 2024

Not A Fan Of:

Not a fan of evil

not a fan of perverts

not a fan of back stabbers

not a fan of bullies

not a fan of the cruel and devious

not a fan of those who crucified The Lord

not a fan of the hidden hand

not a fan of the cabal

not a fan of the wicked

not a fan of the killers

not a fan of the rulers

not a fan of the god of this world

not a fan of those who think they will win, but won't

not a fan of the mean

not a fan of those who hate God

not a fan of those who hate and take advantage of the weak

not a fan of the secret society

not a fan of the lovers of darkness

not a fan of vain occultic ritual addicts

not a fan of those who abuse

not a fan of those who lie while putting on precious pretense

not a fan of the world

not a fan of those who love and serve the world

not a fan of the devil

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Author Of All Such Hearts--Feeling Thanks and Giving!

 Several immediate thoughts at the moment. . . .

One is . . . aye . . . yi . . . yi . . .

Shoveling snow... gotta make way for Skylar who gets up at 4:15am to head to work down the mountain, but his car/tires are now getting sketchy... BUT . . . hoping the snow subsides, otherwise I will have to get up from (now usual weird 3:30-4:45am lucid dream time thing that's been going on for a while) and either shovel again, or drive him to work. . . .

Which is fine.  I'm happy to do it.  I am grateful for every breathe, every anything, no complaints.

Spent the day sanding, skimming, patching, sanding, talking people off ledges, avoiding distracted drivers, petting the dogs, treating homebound peeps to a meal, praying, listening to Christian/Hebraic debates, working, shoveling snow, calming people down, checking in with current events, dogs, listening to others' day stories, thinking about Hell, thinking about God, sending messages and musical arrangements to prospective musicians who are--so far--down to do another live show, wrangling with the "opening act" cats who have big ideas, thanksgiving concerns, decisions ... typical day.....  

(looks like it's going to end up pizza, lol!  WHICH isn't my idea or wish because I actually like cooking all the old fashioned T-Giving food and am quite adept at it.... BUT ... the "kids" and wife . . . just want to get pizza... HOWEVER... I am still holding out and may still try to invent (even it's a small one) a little side "thanksgiving pizza" ... which would consist of  pizza dough... gravy... some mashed potato spread... bits of turkey . . . cayenne . . . cranberry . . . and ..... and ... perhaps some sort of stuffing type sprinkle... I think that could actually be a thing! "Thanksgiving Pizza"  

Lol, but nobody around here is buying it... BUT I'm gonna try to slip it in, if I can amidst all the other things I have to take care of.... 

THEN . . . also . . . as always . . . I'm thinking about everyone; feeling their pain and loneliness . . . and also concerned about those who think they've "got it made"  .. . . . . . AYE YI YI .... !   My mind and soul and spirit is 360 degrees vision, appreciation and commiseration and concern! 

. . . . . At the end of the day (and I thank God for every day, every breathe!) . . . I strive to find myself adhering to loving GOD above all.  And as He directed, loving His; loving my neighbor as myself...loving you!

A tall order!  

THUS, I thank God for The Savior!  HE Who suffered and took on ALL OF THIS fallen FALDERAL! 

(I suppose this post could be considered a bit of a thanksgiving thought, missive.)

SO . . . I declare, I am in awe of, love and fear God ABOVE ALL!

And I genuinely love you; He knows my heart, He knows your heart--and I dare say, amidst my faith and hope and longing, HE is the Author of all such Hearts! 

Bro T 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Holy Spirit Consideration, Appreciation

 Below is a draft of something I wrote a few weeks ago... part of it got lost, like sometimes happens when writing . . . a section gets erased through user error or whatever, which kind of demoralized me for a moment-- ..... But I figure I shall just put it up as was, what was left of the writing.  

I'm not going to even proofread it right now (as I usually do, because I'm a self-directed "grammar nzi" :) ... I don't like typos, and DO like do clarify intent, sloppy phrasing--what I was trying to say...  etc. 

So, with that in mind....  this (see below) is from a little while ago, in the midst of daily life forging on scenarios.  I WILL come back and re-read it and correct if needed . . . but for now, just figure I intended to, and shall nonetheless, just get it expressed . . . raw as it basically was.... 

GOD BLESS and THANK YOU!--I treasure this space and special relationships among certain Believers! I appreciate your support, thoughts and prayers and fellowship! (If I DID manage to get it posted before, perhaps it bears repeating.... if not, forgive me:)


"Heads up... here comes (hopefully not my last will and testament, lol!) I just meant to write about how The Holy Spirit is not so much understood and appreciated and marginalized a bit . . . but ended up giving my testimony and a bunch of pertinent but tangential personal reminiscences about the whole path of seeking the truth, meaning of this life. . . . And, this is in the midst of all the sad, treacherous, foreboding, ongoing worldly machinations intensifying . . . and, dealing with one of our beloved dogs, "Dude" who had to have a pretty serious surgery last Monday, which has been more intense than expected . . . lots of cleaning up blood, cones, staying up with him every night, watching over him, hour-to-hour . . . can't get back to work, because there is also Bruce to watch and console, and just have to take care of and keep an eye on him constantly so that the healing doesn't go backwards. . . . And then, I, like so many who see and feel and commiserate what is going on with the suffering people, pets, animals, creatures at the behest of these evil, Godless wanna-be globalist overlords, targeting towns, families, groups, areas . . . for their imagined final brutal enforcement of worldwide anti-Christ Satanic totalitarianism.   

I (like you I suspect) know so many now who are struggling, suffering, taking losses, deaths. . . . There are those who have "taken the ticket" . . . sold out and are doing better than ever (spooky)

  . . . the unSeeing unHearing . . . tend to hate and fight and find ways to attack The Trinity.  This isn't the whole of their hatred of Truth . . . but a big obvious sign of their character and assault . . . is that they do not comprehend THE TRINITY . . . (and Paul). 

Because they hate God's grace (because THEY want to get credit for themselves and THEIR OWN works/effort/ego) . . . AND, since they have not been GRACED with The Holy Spirit WHO REVEALS THE TRUTH . . . they hate those who have (been graced with being given/chosen to be indwelt by GOD, by THE HOLY SPIRIT, The Comforter, God's Spirit, The Spirit of Truth.)  

It is such . . . and it is Written . . . that GOD is a Trinity.  The Trinity is a mystery to our mortal minds, but The Spirit of Truth will and does convey it.  And you will die on that cross, if you are blessed to Know it.  He is ONE GOD, THE GOD OF ALL--three distinct persons with ONE ESSENCE, ONE BEING, THE ALPHA AND OMEGA, all in ONE.  It defies mere human understanding, and the truth of it--Him/God exasperates the fallen and the born rebels--for they want to create a god in THEIR own image, or some other fanciful image . . . but . . . and since The Truth is God is The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, they will naturally hate and despise that Trinitarian Truth, for they are of their father, the father of lies.  Thank God for the gift of The Holy Spirit!  Who, in the days since the meridian of time, is given to us, within, since God in the flesh ascended to His throne.  SUCH that we shall not yet be left alone.

Well, and the Hindus/yogis have their own (similar, but false) version of a trinity ("Trimurti") Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva . . . and then they have their "saints" and "avatars" . . . various variations thereof.  (Sidenote, I've well studied early on in life the whole "eastern philosophy" angle deeply--I was a "sannyasin"(renunciate) of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh/Osho . . . later a dedicated Vaishnava/Hare Krishna . . . armature but fair scholar of Vivekananda, Shankara, Ramakrishna, Krishnamurti, Yogananda,  and also included serious forays into studying, practicing, testing the similar Buddhist/Zen/Taoist areas--Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, D.T. Suzuki, also checked out Sufiism, read the Koran, gnosticism; and seriously analyzed, sussed out (but never practiced) Gurdjieff/Ouspensky . . . Blavatsky, Castanada, E. Cayce, Alice Bailey, Swedenborg, The Urantia Book . . . and a bunch more . . . And then including . . . taking the "missionary lessons" of the Mormon Church and becoming a "deacon" and a "priest" and near-went on a Mormon mission; and, of course also studied the Greco/Roman philosophers, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle. . . . AND, so as not to leave out what the nihilists/existentialists were up to . . . Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Camus etc.  Aye yi-yi!  That's about the half of it and I still have all their books in my library, which also includes a wide variety of Catholic writers (Augustine, Aquinas, A'Kempis ie.,) . . . Native American "Great Spirit" "spirituality" . . . well,  and tangentially martial arts' "spiritual" disciplines I've studied and practiced (several different Kung Fu and Japanese disciplines--Hung Gar, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Karate, Akido).  That is a rough list of the "spiritual/religious" studies and practices. . . . Don't get me started on my ancient historical delvings (which DO actually connect, inform and relate .... such as Xenophon, Herodotus, Thucydides, Livy, Plutarch--my favorites--plus, lol I just love history, from ancient through Biblical, "middle ages", medieval, reformation era, Revolutionary, American western/Indian, communism/socialism, 20th century, 21st century . . . etc.)

Sorry... I'm  carried away albeit thinking of some of my multitudinous searching avenues, and side-interests off the top of my head that I've read, studied and practiced since a boy.... 

I could go on into other areas ... BUT MY MAIN POINT IS . . . that I've been seeking, searching, testing, pleading, praying for, meditating and practicing on FINDING THE TRUTH, above all!--The meaning and purpose of life!  I always believed, felt and through rational observation of reality early determined there had to be A MEANING AND PURPOSE TO LIFE!   

If I were to put a date on it, it was April 16th, 2004 when I had "the great dressing down" as I've called it--a 4 hour vision of God--JESUS Himself . . . where . . . I was shown many things, for hours--mostly about myself and my spiritual hypocrisy, sinful fallen nature, and I was shown (I believe) the 2nd heaven--that realm where the "prince of the power" is still riding dirty--oh the things I saw!  AND even in that betwixt realm, it was MORE REAL than this realm.  I became a (albeit newborn) Believer in The Bible and Jesus as The Way, The Truth and The Life that night, for He came and chastised and revealed to me my naked self . . . and did it with gentle love, yet strict, unyielding purpose to show and rescue. . . .

On that morning, when it was finally over . . . I got up, went to the kitchen (I was working in a house, painting in St. George, UT, alone, back on my way home from working on a different project in Palos Verdes, California).  And there, at about 7am ... found some paper and thought to write everything I had just seen and been shown, all the details. . . . But, it felt too fresh and important and precious to try to roughly incapsulate it--because it was a direct personal message.  I would have to test it through remembrance of the foundational import and message, and then, if God granted, I would remember the most important parts to relate/convey.  

Bottom line was (regarding my lifelong search):  "The Truth  is Jesus!  I am a wretch. Thank God for The Savior." . . . . which revelation I DID tell my wife when I got home, and carried on telling, sharing thereafter.  SHE got born again about 2 years later, and my sons also (I believe, although GOD is the ultimate judge of that) fairly soon thereafter.

   There was also a follow up vision a few months later, after "the great dressing down", which sealed the deal for me.  At the time, I was following the "Vaishnava" Hindu religion focused on Krishna.  

As I then delved more deeply into The Word (although, interestingly . . . all along these other pathways I NEVER rejected The Bible or Jesus, and, regardless of various spiritual and philosophical exploring, I ALWAYS found myself praying to God The Father In Jesus' Name) . . . I eventually found myself what is called "reformed" so-to-speak, --although all-in-all I think it's just Biblical revelation and understanding--AND being ever more comfortable and acquainted with and Shown the Trinitarian God.  

AND . . . (back to the subject at hand) I believe, and experience to this day THE HOLY SPIRIT guiding, sustaining, comforting, teaching . . . all along the way. 

 AND, just noting, that The Holy Spirit is too often (I believe) not acknowledged for the critical, foundational role He plays in the day-to-day sustenance and source of Truth sussing in this life since AD, AND especially in such dark and wicked times, where chaos and distraction and tricks and Noah-days tech with appurtenant temptations abound!  (I thank God I don't have a problem with that!)

Hence, being found a friend of, and a fan of, and a discerner of, here I (HOPEFULLY FINALLY GET TO THE POINT LOL!) a little bit of shout out TO THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!  


[Well, and, since I keep from not carrying on.......... I shall carry on, and keep checking my grammar and hope to get a message over the stormy bow....] Soooo... re the Trinity (where Holy Spirit oft too much gets short shrift)]

The Muslims . . . have, basically a concept of God THE FATHER... but that is it.  There is NO other portion or deviation or sharing with that absolute concept, as they conceive it--ALLAH.

The Mormons, also , for instance, do not understand or believe in The Trinity, as Biblically stated.  Joseph Smith said we are all gods in potential--kind of like the Hindus, there are "many gods".  YOU can be a god!  Like most the new-agey people have said, and then now, tik-tok-y girls and fey boys say . . . we are all gods. . . . "You are a god" ........ 👎

[By the way, regarding LDS theology, it is obvious that Joseph Smith developed "the church"--as they call it here in "the new Zion", Mormon country]. . . .  

As he (Joe) carried on  . . . meanwhile, he was taking other men's wives, young girls, stealing money, empire building and being a new (albeit typical) cult leader.... He found a very convenient "secret doctrine" that confirmed the demonic whisperings he was seduced by and went with (just like Muhammed did similarly) found some "secret knowledge" that he came across (and had already heard about) when he eventually got invited into the ongoing Masonic/"Illuminated" teachings in the area............. which are/were infested with a mishmash of mystical Islamic/Jesuit/Sabbatian/occult teachings.... At the time it was an exotic 'secret knowledge' that ie., Templars/masonic perverts and such had already gotten involved with and, of course, it involved banking, geo-politics, tantric-sex faux spirituality, and on and on.  A mish-mash of  Kabbalistic "new age" cobbledygook) . . . . . 

And, well, yeah , ... ol' Joe Smith got too big for his britches and didn't realize that the Masonic oaths he took were serious and he shouldn't share  but for penalty of death ... but he had a "new" expanding following and dare to ... BUT .. they made him pay with his life at the Carthage Jail.]


Ok... well . . . . I need to end this last missive.  I could on and on . . . . . . But for now, I think I better just post. Tomorrow is not promised, praise God."

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Not Of This World

I hope my impending sense of doom of sorts is just personal, and not of a wider scope.  

The seeming release and correction of the: stress of constant gaslighting, the economic oppression/thievery, the blatant corruption/perversion--the calling good bad, calling bad good . . . the destruction of history and cherished shared memories of such, the wicked and blatantly satanic upending of relatively installed Biblical political and civil truths understood and established . . . addressing the horrific longtime and surging child abuse, s#x trafficking . . . . And on and on and on.  The Spirit cries out for justice!  Even unbelievers (of sorts) can appreciate that!

I'm sorry, but I just cannot ignore the sense that there is a big--perhaps one of the biggest--set-ups for disappointment ever so far.  I, like so many others, I know . . . pray and yearn and cry out for some sort of relief and correction!  I hope I am just being "donnie downer" and I will happily, exultantly bear that title ongoing if my concern is proven incorrect!  FOR REAL!  

I wish nothing but the best, and could use some of it myself and for those I love . . . which starts with those closest to me, related to me and then radiating outward to ALL who are suffering under the rule of the "god of this world."  The suffering is near unbearable . . . but then I think of The Lord Who took ALL of it on Himself!  So, what complaint can I or anyone who loves and follows Him have!  The greatest gift EVER GIVEN in all of history--if one can grasp it/be graced, chosen to See/Hear it.

Hopes are being sprung high.  An exultant refreshment, feeling is in the air, indeed, it's tangible and being broadcast. . . .  

If I were an Amos type character, I would simply say . . . keep a part of yourself, your soul, centered on Spiritual purposes.  And beware of prophesied days of trouble. . . . 

If . . . things in the world . . . "go south" as they say . . . do not let that EVER extinguish your love and faith and dedication and worship and humble submission personally to GOD'S PURPOSE ABOVE ALL . . . which Purpose is Written and foretold in His Book, His Writing, His WORD!

Jus' sayin'. . . .

Enjoy the moment . . . but keep it Real . . . in the depths of your soul, your Holy Spirit-inspired-and-instructed higher self (who is eternal and exists ABOVE the shiftings and sidetracks and distractions--albeit sometimes materially pleasurable--never forget that the devil is still at play). 

(Just writing, just saying, sharing my thoughts and observations and feelings. . . .)

God blesses you :) with EVERY BREATH YET! Take care!

And thank you for checking in over here in this little light corner of the things and the people and God-loving corner NOT of the world. . . . 

Friday, November 8, 2024

Birthday thoughts 2024

 Birthday boy today.  Heh.  I almost forgot, but a few loved ones and friends reminded me, lol.

Went to the doctor (spooky high blood pressure as usual, but a bit over the top this time).... Had some weird thing going on with my thumb, which was the main issue to address--won't share the gory details lol. . . . Then worked, painted some walls, wrote some more bars/melody/lyrics (in my head) on this song that I dreamed of a few weeks ago that has been pressing on me, kind of haunting me . . . which I hopefully can get recorded/manifested sometime soon . . . before I forget it. Went to dinner with wifey--to our local fave Mexican restaurant. Coddled and gave attention to the doggies. . . . Fought off the bizarre energy company trying to do (who know's what) in our yard--something to do with "gasline" repair.... But it came out of nowhere and I'm a bit sus... not even sure they are really the gas company... Will have to keep an eye on that going forward...

SOoooo a fairly typical day.  I'm still kickin'. . . .

WELL AND of course . . . watching and listening, observing, analyzing the remarkable current events. . . .

I still say (hope I'm wrong) as I have before . . . "they" will not go quietly into the night.

Enjoy the sugar high . . . stay alert, prayerful (never forgetting GOD ABOVE ALL) while the next stages of the script play out. . . . 

God blesses you, and I thank you for your friendship and support and your divinely created intelligence, soul, spirit, body et al!  Intricate amazing creatures, one and all of you, praise God!

Sunday, November 3, 2024

I'll Paint, You Can Keep The Feak-Off Ticket

 I have so much to share, say . . . 

This is the only place where I can get to a semblance of it all...

Regarding the gatekeepers in the "entertainment industry" . . . I really just need to do some talking, conversation on a podcast or something...  otherwise, it's turns into a small, unfinished book here.

I'll continue to share what I can. . . .  

Yeah . . . bottom line . . . I was on the close outskirts of the "industry" . . . but, I was, myself, deliberately far away from SPIRITUALLY getting too close, and thus, could wave it away.  

The stink of the pit wafted from far away . . . and that was enough for me to stay clear.  

Yes, I heard the tales.  It's run by "the mafia".  I was approached several+  times with various seductive offers.  "We will have you break into the top 10 in the UK, then we will have you conquer the American charts."  

But I had already, long before committed to God, and rejected the tempter when I was 13 and he came to me and showed me "the crossroads" path choice.  

He (the devil)  said, "you have two choices right now!  You can be a young, breaking-ground, 'cutting edge' famous kid-artist/musician/singer/celebrity . . . OR . . . you can reject my offer and take the ignominious path.  What will it be?" 

I sat there for about 3 minutes . . . realizing this was the big choice. . . . But I was already owned by God, seeking Truth, and said, "well . . . I have to go the Godly way.  I have to stay with Truth, with God."

He (satan) said, in so many words, chuckling, mockingly,  "ok, sucker. . .  now your life will be very hard.  Good luck buddy."

That day I made my choice.  THE ONE TRUE GOD.

And, indeed, from about that day forward, it was rough.  I was an orphan, survivor.  BUT GOD always was with me.  Like He said "I will always be with you."  THAT is a Spiritual promise and message which has kept me faithful, alive through thick and thin.  And to this day . . . God Willing, praise God, Jesus, ongoing!

YET, he (the evil one never stops) kept coming back and saying, "are you SURE you want to go with God?  Surely you can ride the fence for a while . . . let me help you out with your dreams and talents for a while, and then later . . . if you want . . . you can go back to your God. . . . "

Yes, if you crave the world, yes you have to cross certain lines, do certain things, that are, of course, captured, recorded, .... then blackmail and/or bribe.  Most, that are desperate to be rich and famous (especially if they are not really that talented) WILL eagerly cross that line/take the ticket..... 

I saw it fairly close, but far enough away to just say no.

"They/he" told me . . . while scoffing, mocking, "Ha... well, now you will just be a day laborer.  Blackballed.  No one will understand or care about what you rejected and denied.  Now you will work 'by the sweat of your brow' and have calumnies subtly, ongoing tossed at you."

I said, "fine, Jesus was a carpenter.  I'll paint."


Brother Thomas ©2005

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