Ok. . . . The past couple weeks have been unusually remarkable from my "man on the street" perspective. And by that, I just mean, because of my self-employed, blue-collar work (house painting) I deal with lots of people, from various economic/societal strata--I see their lives, get to know them . . . most of all my clients have been friends and clients for years. I'm their guy when they need something done. Not all, but most of them are quite "well-off". . . . And I'm a top-level painter (40 years exp now) can do anything from exterior house, interior, faux, murals etc. AND also happy to do small basic jobs--patch it together. Last summer, ie., I painted the whole exterior, by myself, of a popular downtown restaurant/book store complex. Also, will just fix, paint someone's "man door" to a garage. . . . So, I get around and get the feel of things, observing businesses and private lives' situtations.
Anyway, and well, I'm only bringing it up, because it is suddenly notable and may be a sign or signal of something big impending--perhaps just for me (and my family here) and/or, for the wider scene. . . .
I've never not had work. I don't advertise, I don't have a "company" . . . I just paint for people, word-of-mouth, referrals, and have done so, like I say for 40 years. Yes, here and there, do some things in the music biz, done talk radio, podcasts etc., but painting has been the steady day job.
Every so often, ie., during the 2008 recession, things get sketchy, people are reticent, circling the wagons, and so, the work get tight and I have to lower prices to accommodate, but manage to survive.
The really only regular part of the year where I can count on it usually to dry up a bit, is right before and after Christmas, of course. People are preparing for the holiday beforehand and then after have spent a bunch of dough so, there is usually a dry spell through early January. Then it starts picking back up, like clockwork.
Spring really starts kicking off, and especially summer. Normally, I have a couple big jobs going on, and others I can't even get to, all through fall. It's great! Well, and I'd say it's gone that way pretty much every year, every summer especially. Even through the '08 recession and Covid. I kept working, there was always enough demand to survive, albeit a bit lean sometimes.
BUT . . . hmmm . . . THIS summer is bizarre! I have NEVER experienced what it happening now. I am wondering if (especially the inflation, which is crushing re food and energy costs, especially if you have a household of several or more mouths and energy and general maintenance upkeep to feed, which I do!) it is really catching up, even to the "well-off".
It feels potentially supernatural. I've long had a reserved a part of me that has foreseen the trajectory of the future (in general and also personally) where I believe I was "told" to watch for certain signs and portents, regarding when some big, radical moves would become necessary, for His purposes and guidance in this life. It would come up suddenly, near-desperately, and the way forward would be obvious, because all other alternatives would be shut off. I haven't "Heard" yet if this is it . . . but it's getting a tad "down to the wire"😬
Not sure yet, but just saying, a few of those signs seem to be hitting. It may be an initial warning, bracing, in order to get ready for the big moves. Still sussing it out. . . . But it suddenly has not felt so dire, just saying. . . .
Now, I am not one to complain or whine, but I did relate, just to share (because I know others are also getting hit from many sides, and I commiserate) a "parade of horribles" (that is a term I heard in law school, meaning being, someone laying out a laundry list of troubles to evoke an emotional rhetorical response in an argument, debate, case) in which case/blog I listed all the things that have broken, happened, etc., around the house, starting with the flooding of the basement, air-conditioner/heating system, car stuff, one thing after another, and on and on. And I will note, it hasn't stopped, lol! I know things get old and break down. It's just really something when they all do it at the same time AND in succession! The latest on that mechanical front is . . . yes, this and that (disposal, dishwasher, other car stuff) ... BUT ... NOW (YAY!) THE BODY!
I've always been athletic--my job is physical. Never really had any problems medically. An occasional work accident, but generally very healthy. So, now add . . . teeth, weird sudden painful arthritis in joints , ear thing.. and that's just me. My wife has new fun things going on re cortisol, hormones, teeth... It's just kinda wild how suddenly and all at once, out-of-the-blue it all hitting. Almost makes you wonder about those new black 5-G towers they recently put up, or something . . . "things that make you go hmmmm"?
Anyway, back to the weirdness re economy and work. Suddenly everyone went dark. All my usual clients . . . it's as if they just disappeared. I think some of them may be dead, or experiencing the ongoing medical issues re the jab that (I warned them not to take, but they did, and I've seen their conditions deteriorate in real time over the last couple years) or, regardless of their status, the commi economy is at last taking a bit toll. I'm wondering (and have long anticipated and foretold) the eventual Zimbabwe/Venezuela type collapse. Although, hope not. It won't be fun.
Truly is, right now, at least for me, a bit spooky. (I know the sold out to devil crowd is doing better than ever--not spiritually, of course, but materially, getting their "heaven" now, while hell awaits, but never have and never will take that ticket, no matter how difficult it gets!)
Never not had work and while always have lived basically paycheck to paycheck, being self-employed and all, have been able to sustain and provide quite well enough. Always, The Lord provides--many times miraculously at the last minute. Not this time, so far, at least, which is a new thing.
So, it's making me wonder if something bigger is afoot. I've long had the thought (vision) that one day, when all doors were shut, it meant . . . a sort of forced big move of sorts would occur, "necessitated", and I've always hoped, thought, that it was intended to move us into a "safer" area for what may be about to commence.
Honestly, I'm not sure yet. Just watching, praying, listening, wondering and sharing :)
Thank you for your prayers and support, sharing, encouragement and fellowship always! Been here at this locale for about 20 years now, typing away:) God bless and strengthen and guide you, I DO PRAY, now and these "interesting times"!
Meanwhile, fwiw . . . re the crass world... a quick political noting:)
So, I'm always still watching, noting the track, development of things in the world. . . .
I found this comment interesting from a very recent interview between Fox News anchor Bret Baier and DailyMail.com. It's the first time I have heard mention, suggestion of a potential shared power type arrangement re the presidency. It is something I "saw" a while ago--a "politburo" of sorts on the heels of a "constitutional crisis". And, in that same "seeing" I recall, it seemed to be a real signal of an end of the general ongoing order of things....
From the article:
'Now that you're going to have Kamala Harris meeting separately with foreign leaders, like we saw with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu [last week] and having her own press conferences,' Baier said, 'we have a situation where President Biden may fade from the spotlight and there could be, in essence, a co-presidency.'
And here is just one of the mentions of this type scenario I've given over the years in this blog and in interviews; this quote of mine from, I believe 2011:
"…..i am seeing the possibility that some sort of new type of government may be put into place for the U.S. which….is more like a power-sharing set-up….ie., a cabinet of several different factions allowed to control, not just one party or executive ….but government by “consensus”……I see this possibly coming about because of either a major “terror” attack, crippling the gov and forestalling elections….or a major natural catastrophe…….But, the end result is that no longer is there the basic constitutional style gov., but a NEW FORM, a “3rd Way” form, which combines both supposedly the “right” and the “left” in some kind conglomerate cabinet/power-sharing junta."
I have to concur with all you have written Bro. I am in good health generally and do a lot of things to maintain it, but over the last 12 months I've had lymph nodes that just keep growing in my neck. They have become really huge and I would say their is more than a dozen. All sorts of problems with them becoming inflamed from cutting wood for example. They can't figure it out yet as all my blood work and CT scans are clear. Getting a biopsy in 2 weeks. I just wonder if it is my lymphatic system trying to deal with all the "spraying the filthy cockroaches" that they do here. I live in the middle of nowhere and they direct hit me almost everyday and I even see trails at night sometimes...I've got teeth problems suddenly, can't heal the gum disease no matter how much I try and I've had my teeth cleaned twice.
On things breaking, my car radiator suddenly sprang a leak a few days so I will have to try a bottle of stop leak, then our washing machine packed up, sure it was old so could be expected, but then our dryer packed up the following day which is very unusual and something I have not seen before...Money is going out left and right. Things are very strange in multiple area's and I'm not one to seize upon every little detail and announce "The end is nigh!" like so many carnival barkers out there. I have fallen into to that myself over the last 20 odd years but I always come back to your little blog to right myself. Now that you confirm I can definitely say that things are different to the times that I have seen. "Is this for real?" is my oft response to the world nowadays and the craziness we are seeing. I should mention that I am 55 so I recall a time that is VERY different to this one. lol
Anyway, my latest thing is understanding the necessity of suffering here, knowing that my soul is being perfected as the dross is burnt away. Makes the walk a little bit easier for me as I am not complaining, just reporting back to HQ. :)
God Speed.
I love how you explained it. It’s something I’ve been trying to understand better!
kitchen cabinet painter
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