Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Programmed Dreams? & "Sudden Destruction" pt. 2

 A little while ago I watched an interview with a guy who was deeply involved in DARPA type work--targeting individuals, voice-to-skull tech, mind-reading tech etc., describing how incredibly advanced it has become.  He briefly mentioned "dream programming".  I took note, because this was what I myself was already suspecting regarding these "new kinds of dreams" I've been experiencing for roughly the past couple years.

I've always had vivid and epic dreams, since a child--many tending toward a theme of "last days"--apocalyptic scenarios, usually involving a sudden, "shock-and-awe" type military invasion in cities and neighborhoods.  Many (dreams) have also been of an "alien" invasion, where, suddenly one day or night, the sky is filled with suddenly manifesting, all kinds of strange craft--luminous, multicolored shimmering ones, semi-transparent, all shapes and sizes, everywhere.

Anyway, these latest "new kinds of dreams" have still been generally of a same subject matter.   

They usually come in packets of three.  As in, there is a first dream . . . I wake up stone-cold.  I am so awake I could get up and go to work--but it's 2am.  Then I go back to sleep and get the next dream theme/scenario--since I DON'T want to get up and go to work, lol--what I do is, quickly remember, going backwards from the last thing I remember in the last dream, trying to remember the whole thing if I can.

By doing that, yes, I do remember a fair portion of the last dream, but also, fairly quickly, I am back asleep and into the NEXT dream, which is just as vivid, and border lining on "lucid dreaming"--where one is conscious one is dreaming and even able to guide the dream experience in directed ways. . . .  

The next dream will be a completely different scenario.  There will be other characters, locations, themes etc.  They (these "new kinds of dreams"), oddly to me, often involve extended family memebers who I haven't seen for years--many passed, but some still living.  These "new kinds of dreams" are especially pedantic.  They move in real-time, very visceral, detailed, usually mostly mundane, except for a couple of striking events.  

Alternately, they have a more "end-times" apocalyptic nature.  And I get the sense that I am seeing something of a portentous revealing.  As in, I am seeing events that will come to pass, in relative form.

One such of these, I hope worth mentioning, is from just a few nights ago:  

We (my wife, another family member or two) are in a house.  Seems like we are vacationing or house guests or just visiting an acquaintance.  A violent, dark storm kicks in.  It is nighttime.  We hear the wind beginning to roar.  Outside, through the windows, there is increasing lightning, some thunder. . . .

We feel a bit of trepidation--something feels a little "off".  We continue milling about the house, doing this and that, preparing dinner . . . then I look out toward the city downtown center.  It's a proper big city with skyscrapers, about 5 miles away.  I'm looking out the sliding glass doors at the dark, stormy clouds, trees swaying in the gusts, and beyond, west of the city center, in the sky, big flashes and swathes of unusual lightning is happening.  It starts getting closer to the city center.  Something seems "off".  

We all who are in the house are getting somewhat alarmed.  Tornado?  It is getting very violent outside, even where we are.  It's getting closer.

Soon, the "lightning" is now over the downtown buildings.  The tallest building (which I note is under construction) is struck and immediately starts to topple.  It starts falling into the next building, and the next.  Some of those also seem to be being involved in this "lightning" barrage.  Buildings are crashing down!  The whole city center appears to be under this strange, wild storm attack!

I open the sliding glass doors, and see several loud military helicopters flying back and forth near us and people in the nearby neighborhood are out in the street, running to and fro, in panic.  Then, it becomes apparent that there are also military personnel, vehicles in the streets, and it appears they are beginning to round people up. 

I alert my wife and the others that "we've gotta go!"  As usual (in these kinds of dreams) I start thinking of strategy--a plan to escape whatever awful onslaught is happening.  I grab an old backpack, get everyone together and we make our way outside in this violent, roaring situation--panic abounds, troops are on the streets, the "lightning" is continuing its destruction of buildings roundabout.

We flee away, in the dark, trying to avoid contact with the military folk about the streets, BUT, we are eventually caught and detained.  They explain that we are to be sent, with the other citizens, to a "safe" location.  [I feel these military folk aren't necessarily malevolent . . . but they are stern and make clear that we are to follow their directives.]

We are allowed to keep a few of our personal items.  I check my old backpack I hastily grabbed, wondering what I (hopefully) might have put in there for just such a survival moment.  

(Now, this part is kind of funny).  I unzipped one pouch . . . and there were guitar picks, mixed with about 12 marbles!  I thought to myself, "what the heck are these doing in here!?"  

BUT, when I opened the big pouch, I found there one of my old Bibles, complete with my handwritten notes in the pages--a well-worn, well-used BIBLE!  THAT was a thrill to find!  I was relieved and even a tad proud of myself, that besides the guitar picks and old, saved childhood marbles, I HAD THOUGHT TO PUT A WELL-WORN BIBLE IN THE PACK!

That was as far as that dream went.  I woke up, and went into a whole different dream scenario afterwards.

But, before I slipped back into sleep, I quickly tried to analyze and search for any potential meaning of the last dream.

My initial thoughts were that that wasn't NATURAL lightning.  There were craft and devices hidden in the clouds directing it.  It was manufactured, DEW weaponry (Directed Energy Weapon) the likes of which many suspect assaulted Paradise California (the devastating, bizarre fires there that, I just found out, are said to have started on my birthday, Nov. 8th . . . back in 2018 . . . AND the very suspicious recent fires in Maui.  Well, and there have been many others of similar design, it would seem, eh?. . . .)

Anyhoos, in this particular dream I'm discussing, I believe the "lightning" attack AND the military copters and personnel, who were quickly on the scene, were in cahoots, although appearing to be at odds.  Hmmm. . . .


My current running surmise on this newish kind of dreamworld is that "they" are indeed doing "dream programming"  AND mind/memory SURVALLIANCE.  

If, as I've suspected myself, what the DARPA tech guy previously mentioned was saying is true, "they" have the ability to scan the brain, deep into even getting long-held memories (hence why old family members keep showing up, childhood houses, memories, etc., because they are in your memories/brain)

 . . . . . . . So, I think there is some sort of combined spiritual/occultic/hi-tech combo which (via various designed algorithms) searches out peoples' brain/memories . . . and then it has a built-in function to ALSO use those memories gleaned--and even if just for kicks--create scenarios in the dreamworld.  

I think "they" are for the most part now just practicing, perfecting the brain/memory/tech interface . . . but also indeed, even now, affecting the general population, to guide things going forward, toward "their" basic goal (great reset, depopulation, luciferian one-world control etc.)

The plan is "transhumanism" overall, as we know, as I've long written and sung about (see my song "Transhuman Psychotronic" 2009? . . . and others . . . and my last recorded song "Tri-Borg Monstrosity"--a world without God controlled by the so-called "elite--devil, demons, devil, demons, fallen angels, corrupt decadent fools etc.)

I'm still in the midst of observing and reporting this particular (dreamworld) experience, for what it's worth. . . . And, interestingly, I have been noting that others are also mentioning a change with these "new kinds of dreams", in their recent dream experiences.  

I believe this is involved with the overall plan to digitize humans, using the most advanced psychotronic tech (including the tech being inserted via body/blood, 5G, nano, "vacks", plandemix etc.)


Well, and sorry for the long text/writing.  Sometime, I probably should do some interviews, live shows, where I can expound, because here, I am only scratching the surface of all that I am observing/experiencing--all related to . . . being a SPIRITUAL Child Of God, sold-out to The Lord, amidst what is looking like Revelations, End Times existence alongside the occultic high-tech attempted intervention. . . . 

Thank you, God bless YOU for your fellowship and interest and Spiritual commiserating over here :)!



Anonymous said...

I would love to have movie-scape dreams. How do we fight their mind control and invasion?

Beyond reading the Bible out loud and praying out loud, which does seem to help, what can be done to combat this?

Thank you for continuing to write! I come every day to read.


Lee in TN said...

Brother Thomas, I so very much appreciate your relating those dreams and your perception of those things to come. It has been so useful & important to my mental, physical & spiritual preparation!

Blessings and prayers for you and Lindsay, especially for her now :)

Lee in TN said...

BroT - yes! A new interview with Zeph sometime again soon would be wonderful

Seth said...

Love the insight bro, would love to hear you and Jamie Walden together!

All the best to you and yours!

Brother Thomas ©2005

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