Tuesday, May 16, 2023

"Locusts and wild honey"--report from the desert

 I'm not going to say anything (as much as I am able, by God's grace) that doesn't comport with the Truth.

Come what may, I praise and am awed by God!  The method of the devil is to so confuse, conflate, LIE within and without every individual's mortal mind, such that . . . you just give up.

There is no giving up in The Lord's Creation!  We have been graced, granted, blessed . . . with the mind of Jesus, if we believe and have The Faith.  He is talking, always, to you, telling you what to do, BE--creature that you are, in these heavy-weight times, praise God!

I've been (metaphorically speaking:) subsisting on "locusts and wild honey" in the desert . . . and The Lord is speaking.  It is a prophetic time.  The prophetic Spirit abounds now, just in time, to advise and direct amidst the increasingly roiling waters--satanic, demonic assaults from all sides.  The Lord is glorified in His beloved Children when the hour is darkest and it seems all hope is lost.  Hope in the wiles of men, women, children is a vain and death-seeking spiral . . . to hell.

Coming out of the desert, the Word is . . . be Jesus--have Jesus in you, The Holy Spirit, GOD!  You can, and you will, if you are of The Lord!  Such Good News!  What would Jesus do?  In any situation, where you find yourself in conflict, temptation, oppression . . . quickly go to WWJD--"what would Jesus do?", how would HE behave, act . . . in response?  DO THAT!  And the Holy Spirit is there to guide, direct, inhabit!  THAT is a true treasure--THE true treasure, valuable above ALL else in this deathly, wicked world.  Let the dead bury the dead.  The living, live now and forever!  All glory to GOD!

1 comment:

Roger said...

Hello Bro. T.

You never stop to amaze me: "WWJD--"what would Jesus do?" I have developed my own little
catch phrase too. "Don't feed the dragon." Hmmm? I use it more when I have to check my
anger when it seems to get out of hand. Now, more than ever, I work at controlling my
emotions. It seems that I have an effect on electrical stuff at times when I'm upset.
Perhaps, this is a way for Spirit telling me to chill and get a grip? Speaking of the
Spirit and how He communicates with us. Yes, an angel will speak to you through telepathy.
But, also, through frequency. Everything has a frequency. I've met people who've had the
same frequency experiences as me too. This is only common amongst believers, btw. It has
to do with an occasional or sporadic high pitch sound that lasts for just a couple seconds.
Most medical doctors would say it's related to the ear drum. I beg to differ with them.

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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