Saturday, February 11, 2023

You Are Seeking The WHO!

[Thank you for your prayers regarding Lindsay!  So far, so good! It's a bit of process apparently, but I have no doubt that the genuine prayers of the faithful and caring, are truly effective!  Especially at this time.!]


"The bottom line . . . is the bottom line"

Once all is said and done. . . . Where were you?  Where and what and WHO were you all about?

It has somewhat (quite a bit, actually) astounded me, since a child . . . to wonder and observe and be mostly shocked . . . that so few . . . do not . . . realize THAT DEATH is waiting in the wings! The moment you are born, you are dead--well, at least, well on your way . . . to "death".

SO, what is it all about?  Early on, I hoped to and sought to understand and KNOW that answer to that basic question.

And, I've long wondered . .  how does one not fathom, suss, explore, seek, yearn, desire, strive to KNOW WHAT is the purpose of LIFE?!

So, with that in mind, what do you want (or imagine) yourself to be doing, wanting, seeking . . . at the inevitable time of mortal death?

And so I've ever pondered: how is it that not nearly EVERYONE is not obsessed with seeking out and determining, best as able, to be in a mental, emotional, spiritual place . . . succinct as can be . . . resigned . . . IN MIND, HEART, INTENTION and SPIRIT as to deeply inquire, "where one is going next?"

Oh, and then I hear, as usual, a sort of tepid "the devil may care" type response--as in, "ke sera sera, what will be, will be"--type fatalistic, faux bravado. . . .


Nothing more now is (nor has never been) more obvious to me than that LIFE HAS A PURPOSE!  HENCE ALL THE STRIVING for purpose, meaning--concocted, found or otherwise!  

Where will your heart and your head/mind/intention/spirit/soul be . . . at that final moment in this time?  When your "time" is done?

Tomorrow is not promised!  

Just ask those recently in Turkey--let alone, the thousands, millions at this moment, for one reason or another, who are in the midst of . . . passing. . . . 


What is the purpose?

Well, and I'll rephrase to say, more specifically: WHO is the purpose!?!!

It's not about what so much as . . . WHO!

Hence . . . take note WHO'S BEING and MESSAGE is most attacked and subverted, marginalized,  perverted, blocked, "cancelled", maligned, attacked etc., and etc., in this OBVIOUSLY wicked, perverse, subverted, fallen, demon-fired world . . . eh?


Yes there is the why and the what. . . .

Indeed, but find yourself searching for and striving for and yearning for and loving for HIM! 


Don't let death catch you unawares following mindlessly the twists and turns of the day. . . .


Your time is already done, and you know it, if you have the eyes to see it.  It was done and set the moment you were born and you Know it!  SO own it!  LOVE GOD!  SEEK GOD!  SEEK TRUTH! 


1 comment:

Jesus is KING said...

A very good reminder that we are all physically, dead Men walking even if we walk in Christ.
Some will not see death for sure, but that is not a given. Our earthly death is almost a fait accompli. I must focus on this fact everyday and not go back to sleep, which can happen when I get super busy with all sorts of problems, challenges living the day to day here. This world/system is totally designed to distract and envelop us and they are making it harder day by day to survive.
I do try to do your trick/approach of praising the Lord first thing before the swell of the day drowns me.



Brother Thomas ©2005

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