Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Boom Today--Prepare Your Soul

 Thank you yet again, YOU, for your ongoing help and support and encouragement and prayers . . . for this little Spiritual bloggy outpost!  It is a genuine humble labor of Love! Praising God always!---


Update edit:  Well . . . odd times, eh? This morning, Lindsay and I were early morning out front just starting the day talking about stuff.  SUDDENLY a giant, intense, sub-sonic explosion BOOM happened.  Yes, we have had some thunder lately . . . but this was different.  We both started . . . looked at each other... this is not thunder, this is not Camp Williams shooting off artillery (at 8:30 am) no... The sub sonic waves went through our bodies... It was intense.  THEN . . . our dogs, and all the dogs in the neighborhood started barking.  Lindsay ran in and got the dogs in the house, cuz, seriously, it felt and sounded like . . . the big bombs were starting to drop!  Well, er,  . . . maybe a test "emp"?  

Whatever . . . it was weird.  Of course, I've experienced big thunder . . . also as a child, there were lots of "sonic booms" I remember flying overhead because of nearby air force base . . . and have been through a few earthquakes.  This was different.

When it happened, wife and I, startled, looked at each other . . . and both felt it sub-sonically--it seemed to come up from the ground, through the bones and even heart . . . . . .  It was SHOCKING, so-to-say. . .

As I say, the dogs went off, barking . . . there was a pause . . . because it sorta came in quick they barked again. L's instinct was to get them quick in the house . . . me, I paused, listened for more, then walked the perimeter, checking the sky, checking for smoke.....  Did a neighbor's house explode? Will there be fire? Hmmm... didn't seem like it, because it was so deep and big and weird . . . . Nah.... But thinking.... What the heck was that?!!!

Well, and will say . . . just prior to this explosion-y thing . . . we had been in the backyard, with the dogs, early early morning . . . noticing how bizarre the clouds were.  I mean, truly . . . unusual and multi-layered. We hurt our necks carrying on and looking at and analyzing them . . . because neither of us had ever seen a clouded sky configured quite like that.  It seemed a lot was going on.  There were honey-comb holes in sections . . . and then, other areas that were like viney, angelic wing-like manifestations . . . and then, in a whole different color, rippling waves like how a beach sandbank can look like . . . . And more.  It was the most complex, tri-dimensional, surrealistic, moving/morphing cloud early morning sky either of us--we confirmed in the moment--had ever seen.....

I DON'T know if that is related to the "BOOOM"! . . . but it kinda makes us wonder. . . .

So, soon afterwards, we quick checked the local news . . .  but . . . nothing . . . . 

Are we crazy?  Did no one hear that?

. . . . . . I went to my job, . . . . got home . . . and then thought to check the news . . . and turns out it was a big story afterall.  The BOOM was heard/felt from Idaho down to mid-Utah!  Their cover story featuring "experts" is that it MAYBE was just a "beach-ball" size "meteor" . . . causing a "sonic boom".

Nope.  I don't think so.  We don't think so.

Well . . . and then (possibly just an odd coincidence) . . . our little plug-in carbon monoxide monitor that we've had for years (never has made a peep til now) started beeping.  I took it outside . . . and it still started beeping.  No idea if related, but just kind of freaky odd timing. . . . .


What do I think about it?  Hmmm . . . one thing I don't do here is blow smoke or prevaricate.  Or try to sensationalize for "clicks".  AND . . . I'm not about "doom porn" as they say. . . .  BUT I will, as can and as led (I dare say) just say what I see/hear. . . .

Cut to the chase, of what I actually think is up at the current and coming time. . . . . (And I'm perfectly happy and hopeful to be wrong! . . . . although . . . I tend not to be, argh! . . . )

So . . . cutting to the chase . . . fwiw. . . . I think what we experienced was a type of "emp" test "bomb".

I've always said it will end up in round-ups and gulags.  Everything I see going on is going quite like script--like it always has when the commi's have infiltrated and finally take the whole thing over. It sucks.  They have "us" surrounded, infiltrated, demoralized, drugged, confused--usual social chaos instigation before the last throes of the takeover.  It is really old school, tried-and-true techniques to witness (if you've studied or experienced the history of it). . . . .

The lambs are penned in, circled by the predators in the dark, circling ALL about, on and in every level. . . . 

The joy of it is . . . if you have the Spirit Of God . . . you don't have hysterical or tawdry fear.  He does not give us a Spirit of fear!  

Yes, yes, they will continue to drag it out a bit, because life ( in the material world) is a bit complicated.

BUT if you know the Word, you know what's up and what's coming.

Prepare to die.

Be love.

Be brave, strong, humble, earnest, sincere, pleading, on face, on knees (before The Truth!), keep humor, keep good cheer . . . small deeds thrill the angels, and God Himself (because they are not needed, yet you do them!--salvation is not by works) . . . . PREPARE YOUR SOUL.

When I believe I got born again . . . and Heard some things . . . one of the main things pertinent to this time Suggested was "prepare your soul."


Roger said...

Greeting Dear Bro. T.

WOW. What an experience you guys had. Truly unusual, to say the least. So, I'm thinking about
a couple things here. What causes the loud bang when a gun goes off? It's the air which gets
suddenly heated up (expands) and cools off and contracts. Just like thunder. Lightning heats
up the air to very high temperatures and then cools off. So, here's the wild card that I
thought about: What if? A BIG what if? I'm only suggesting that a bunch of demonic spirits
possibly came through a portal from another dimension. Crazy, huh? Most people will think so!
I've been told that demons are rapidly coming through aggressively because of C.e.r.n. like
they are on a mission and warpath. I've been told that these demons (luciferians) have
supernatural powers too. That "prayer" and "faith" is the only defense against them.
Just tonight, I did have an interesting discussion about the importance of spirituality with
a co-worker. The importance of "faith" was emphasized. Basically, it was regarding the ones
without faith who will come unglued when everything goes "hot."
Thanks a lot for all you do for us lambs and believers. I always look forward to your
writings and encouragement(s). !!!

Peace, favor and love,

Anonymous said...

Hello, Brother Thomas. It is Leo, aka Smalls. It has been a while since we've communicated. Last time I commented I had a problem with your assertion that belief is an act of will (and paradoxically not of ourselves as well). I still don't know, and I'm still ok with that. But in recent months what part of my abandoned faith I couldn't fully keep down has resurfaced. Thanks in large part to my interaction with the community on Not The Bee (news and social media offshoot of the Babylon Bee). It's been weird, but that's the story of my life. I don't call myself a believer, but who am I to make that judgment?
Do you have any specific practical advice for settling the mind in this crazy whirld? Stimulants and distractions to cut out for better clarity? I'm not ready to read the Bible or become disciplined monk-like in deed and thought the way you've always prescribed. I do need to start somewhere. Addictions/distractions include sugar, junk food more generally, Netflix, social media, chocolate with its particular stimulants, sleep..
I don't know if I'll remember to check back here, so I'll leave my email address if you'd like to contact me that way. I'll try not to run away if you'll try not to overwhelm me with wordage ;)
p.s. 33 is a triple eleven.

Brother Thomas ©2005

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