Thursday, February 24, 2022

Cosmic Scuttlebutt!

 Well… and like i wrote recently… we are im the “fast moving waters”….

Forgive me for (soon to be) delving into the temporary muck, but i do intend here shortly to give my expert analysis on the current “geo-political” new war bullshizzle… I do think I have the better of takes on it… So, yes, I’m well aware of “the concerns of the day”… so def will chime in on that fwiw….

Meanwhile—I have positive, hopefull encouraging things to relate from the transcendent Spiritual realm of God!  

You may be feeling lost and inconsequential in the flow of this material fallen world—as the individual…a uniquely Created PERSON, BEING, LIFE that you feel and know yourself to be…. 

There is so much chaos, so much noise, so much frivolous entertainment and distraction…one can feel lost amidst the roiling waves….

HOWEVER…. YOU…… YOU… and I do mean YOU!…are as special and uniquely designed and wrought … “fearfully and wonderfully made!”.

.… Every moment of your struggling, forging onward life in this thick, attacked, undermined, besought fallen world…. IS GLORIOUS! If you could See it…you would understand and fall-on-face appreciate it—that not a moment is wasted or for naught, no mattet how mundane and misbegotten it seems to be! He is close and caring and genuinely lovingly interested in EVERY moment of YOUR very personal, unique existence and life in this time-frame! There is not one “jot or tittle” which is missed and not part of the glorious, unfathomable mortal run made for us, humans, creatures.

God is in all! God is with and watching and creating and guiding you every step of the way, as He will!

If you find yourself believing in and wanting, trying to worship God THE CREATOR FATHER OF ALL… aye! Find yourself blessed! And know that this rag-tag jumble, scuffy, wobbling PERSONAL life you are experiencing IS monitored and loved and INFINITELY beautiful and important… being a creature, child of HE WHO IS AUTHOR SOVEREIGN GOD FATHER NURTURER OF ALL THAT IS! 

Every moment counts, no matter how mundane it seems! Every moment is what the worldly call a “miracle!” It is beyond comprehension! Hence… why we have so much more to go for! 

Hang in there my friends! 

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