Sunday, February 28, 2021

OK BOOMER (golden oldy rant, for the fun of it:) If I had a "top ten" list of rants . . . this might be #1.... It's def in the top 5.

Before (as usual with me) it was fashionable to nail the Baby Boomers (as in, "OK Boomer") I wrote a rant here . . . basically capturing the gist of the now familiar tirade . . . towards the knuckleheads who--as a general generation--turned a blind eye against the future, stupidly tricked by a mass of psyops and propaganda . . . not curious at all, but just taking all the cream while they could get it, saying "well... if I'M not happy, then how can I make YOU happy?"  Which was just a lame excuse for narcissistic, self-absorbed modeling and behavior.  Now, ya can't hardly blame them.  (Which I don't, actually, blame them...) Their "best generation" parents were just as fooled and deluded and ungodly as any other.  I dare say, EVERY generation since The Fall has been selfish, deluded, FALLEN, goofy.... BUT, ya gotta hand it to the Boomers.  They did it in style, and had fun time while they had it (supposedly, lol)...

Anyway..... Yeah, so for auld lang syne, and just (for no particular reason, other than it's a funny good rant) remembering the best of golden oldy Bro T rants.... 

So... Read below... the treasured (in some quarters) rant 😆


From blogs posted:

Thanks For Nothing, Degenerate Fools

Infamy, treachery, horror, oppression, totalitarianism with a iron GREEN fist! Ohhhh... the fools and dupes who have brought us to this madness--"cap and trade"--which actually should be called "slap and raid" or, simply "rape and pillage" . . . for it is nothing more than government/criminal syndicate reallocation of wealth. Oh, the mind-numbed, pea-brained ninnies who are cheering on the lying dictator--.

It is so sad what is being done to destroy us, enslave us, at daily breakneck pace. The self-absorbed "me-generation" baby boomers, so clueless and pleasure seeking now steering us off the cliff, having soaked up the wealth and momentum of a once-free country . . . partying, cruising, diddling themselves--now bequeathing a country in ruins to their children and grandchildren . . . which children now shall live under the boot of communist/fascist dictatorship, lack, starvation, torture, imprisonment, . . . bleak, struggling, grey lives trying to scramble for scraps, hide from the "man", keep one's head low . . . .

Oh, thank you hippy and disco generation--you in your 60s and 70s now . . . about to leave the scene . . . for being so wrapped up in your own little "i gotta please myself" bubbles, uneducated, unmindful, uninterested in what was going on around you . . . . Now coming to this. Thank you so much for giving me a country led by a communist, a degenerate, adulterous, sell-out congress, CFR and Trilateralist Governors and Mayors, racist and bought off legislatures . . . .

Thank you for mocking and deriding "conspiracy theorists" and "right-wing extremists" who have been screaming from the rooftops, if one just took a moment to search, learn and listen--those "kooks" who have been trying to warn you in your beads, your disco pumps, then your yuppy suit--who you called "nuts", "crazy", "paranoid".

While you went merrily on your way . . . the enemy THRILLED that you never took such threats seriously. Yesssss..... just ssssssstay assssleeeeeep.....nothing to sseeee here.....everything is fine........

Oh, thank you so much for giving me and my children a near future of want, lack, terror, confiscation, oppression, pervasive control, perverted movies, tv, music, art . . . . . as you "let it all hang out." YOU who never went to church, opened your bible, gave ten minutes thought about God or the purpose to life . . . nice job!

Oh, but no worries. You're old and about to die now. You took all the wealth, all the freedom, all the good times, all the opportunity . . . and squandered it in mindless, dopey, pleasure seeking . . . leaving me and my children with a mere husk of a country, rapidly descending into complete authoritarian control, riot, decay, and LACK of opportunity. Nice. Gee, thanks. Hope it was good for ya. Way to go. Now what? Oh, you never bothered thinking about the meaning of your life? You never bothered praying to or about God? Hmmm. That's interesting. Maybe that's why you lived such a worthless, self-serving, piece of garbage, treacherous and lecherous existence . . . . You think? Just maybe? Ah..... what's the use . . . you're on your way out now ..... Leaving us with a fine mess to clean up after your orgy of irresponsible self-seeking and self-pleasure. Just please, on your way to wherever now you will end up going . . . don't offend me with having the audacity of dope to call me "paranoid", "Kooky", "fringe", "conspiracy theorist" as you leave the place in ruins and in the hands of the very controllers me and others have been warning about for decades. YOU would look like a stupid old fool at that point. Maybe just leave quietly, now that you've had your fun. Some of us now are going to be quite busy . . . surviving, protecting our families, scraping for mere existence, fending off the goon squad . . . so please forgive if I'm not too obeisant at your grand exit. How 'bout just beat it. We, sadly . . . have A LOT of work to do now because of your immature, dopey-headed, un-informed degenerate swaray of a life . . . .

Now, for added fun, I've done a little BT Code mash-up regarding the horrendous Cap and Trade idiotic "global warming" bill which just passed the House . . . . Below are some quick snippets of blog I wrote earlier, which fairly though briefly state my thoughts on the matter:

Tie this together with the globalist, totalitarian environmentalist agenda . . . and you've got a system of complete control. TOTAL CONTROL over every living individual . . . you are known as a "carbon-based lifeform". . . they are sprinkling the enviro discussion with the term "carbon footprint", "carbon credits" . . . Now, come CAP AND TRADE . . . first for companies, but eventually for people. What this means is that everyone will be allotted a certain amount of "acceptable" "carbon footprint". As in, each person will get a certain carbon credit to exist. If you go OVER your allotted amount (which means that you used too much electricity, or too much water, ot bought too many consumer items (RFID tracked) with each of those items also contributing to your "carbon footprint" allotment . . . well . . . then you will be fined . . . or jailed . . . or will have to give up something that you own to OFFSET your "carbon footprint" which you are making above the regulated amount. YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL will be tracked, as to what YOU are "doing to the earth" ..... through RFID, Verichip, and CAP and TRADE regulations . . . . .

Which means, that most people will try to do as little as possible.... the end of industry . . . the end of entrepreneurs . . . of too much activity . . . . Everything grinding to a halt . . . . UNLESS of course, directed by the overlords, who will decide what and where and when activity is "ok."

Of course, too, the chip will just be put in the hand, or maybe the forehead... to make it more convenient , with all your information . . . and if you don't have the chip, you won't be allowed to participate in the market . . . and it will all be staged as a matter of "saving the planet" "sustainable development", "global governance" . . . . .

The fools and dupes who have supported and pushed along the environmentalist agenda can be thanked for much of the political and social controls, policies, that will be used to CONTROL THOSE WHO WOULD BE LEFT ALONE, as "carbon crediting", "carbon footprint", "cap and trade" are used to justify total surveillance and interference with any and everyone who tries to live free and "out of the loop."
The Green Movement is nothing more--as I've long written--than a disguised, subversive means of obtaining absolute communistic/totalitarian control over every living thing on the planet. It was totally designed and fabricated to be such. And the agenda is working perfectly.

Ironically, those who love nature and would love to live free and unhindered in it, and who are the very type of people who have been helping and supporting the Green Movement . . . are the dupes who are unwittingly bringing the iron fist to make it so that NO ONE will be able to live free, self-sufficient, "off the land", "in nature", etc.

Sick irony isn't it? But that's how evil works. It loves to use, betray, and then . . . kill if possible, the useful idiot . . . who stupidly sells themselves and others out. Actually there is some harsh simple justice in the thing . . . .

Likewise, the liberals, the old hippies, those who chaff at "rules of society", who hate "morality", or any other control . . . who have railed against "right wing fascism" . . . are the very ones who are helping, bringing along the most complete and draconian fascism, dictatorship . . . that has ever been implemented (thanks to progress in technology, which will aid the totalitarian "green" regime in monitoring, collecting information, people and what they do.)



Anonymous said...

Thank you for the post BT! Here is another one:

ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

WOW. Thank you for the lesson in remembrance!! Tuth!!
Anyways, just to add my 2 cents here, some months ago, a very wise man proposed a question.

WHAT WILL YOU SAY? When the time comes to die and meet the Lord for one's "dressing down" in the spirit, the Lord will ask you, "what did you do with your time on earth which I gave you?" Now, that's powerful. I just can't get that out of my head. So, we all will have to give an accurate account of what we did, what we didn't do and what we could have done better. What a truly humbling question. I wonder how many people ever consider this question? This is probably why I fear the Lord the most (at the same time being in such awe of His understanding, wisdom, knowledge, omnipotence, omnipresence and Omniscience)!!!

Nothing compares to the Lord.....

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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