Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Reformed Holding Up The Fort

Well... just gotta keep sayin'... REFORMED are holding up the fort ... while all the others fail and fall hide....


1 comment:

Roger said...

Hello Bro. T.

Whoa... Perhaps the people are waking up and starting to push-back??
TPTB won't be happy about this and are fearful of the poor folks and possible civil war with them. I suspect that TPTB have been trying to start a race riot as a diversion. THEY don't want the poor (indigent) realizing that they were duped by TPTB. Lots of poor people are probably quite angry about their lot(s) in life. I suspect we'll see a purge too when all of this kicks off.

Time to be girded up with one's spiritual armor.....

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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