Thursday, August 15, 2019

Everyone's a CT

I note that just a few weeks ago an FBI document was leaked which warned that "conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorism" . . . and, after recent events, how almost no one believes Epstein committed suicide. . . . Which makes nearly everyone now a "new domestic terrorist". . . .

Meanwhile, as I noted some time ago, I see a similar psychological/psychotronic program being waged on the population as was done in Rwanda prior to the Hutu on Tutsi genocide in 1994.  Only in this case, quite obviously, the targeted group are the whites--"patriots".

It is getting increasingly difficult to speak of these things in these times.  I have struggled a bit just how to relate. . . . Because of the increasing censorship and ubiquitous scouring, so-to-speak.

This purported insight into the "mandela effect" I mentioned, in fact, I think can be related to this overall mass mind program currently underway.  I will indeed give my thoughts on it . . . shortly.

There is only one hope amidst it all!
Take care

1 comment:

Linda L. said...

So what IS "the mandela effect"?

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