Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Front Lines

The front lines...

You take a lot of flak... the communications get sketchy... you feel alone . . . you're taking heat . . . .

BUT that makes sense, cuz YOU are on the front line...

Imagine... world war 1 or.. .any war... the front line... Who goes there?  Those who are sent...

Fodder... for God, many times...  Who chooses to go there? ... Who goes into the pits... into where the lost are? JESUS.... That's what He did... He went right into the front lines of worldly, material world battle. . . . the day-to-day. . . .

He didn't hang long in synagogues and "churches" (though He went there too) .. BUT where was He?  Where the LOST are...!  Not where the smug, self-satisfied, Sanhedrin, Pharisees, "experts" and "successful" were. . . . Nope.  He went for the losers! Praise God!

Ain't comfortable though ... flak happens... shrapnel... wounds. . . . . hah, especially in 2019, where so much crossfire . . .from all kinds of types . . .of missiles happen. . . . (psychotronic, demonic, physical, sneaky, hi-tech and ye ol' low tech, ).... Hit from all sides.... BUT THE SOLDIER CARRIES ON!. . . .

Because that's where the hungry are . . . the weak, the meek, the beaten, the fallen, the open. . . . The ones that rarely meet one from The Fold.. . . 

Front lines . . . is where the battle is . . . and where the ones waiting to Hear are found. . . .

And those who are called to battle . . . head to the front line. .

Meanwhile, can use your blessed prayers. . . . :)

(and, don't forget, keep your blessed sense of humor! Our God is sacred . . . AND has a sense of humor!..amazing, He is. . . . ALWAYS. . .   involved, including the beauty, humor, love, sacred irony, and SO much more . . . of this all!. . . . :)

Anyway, yes, for those still sticking around.. I'm going to the front about now. . . . retrieving souls, the wounded, the lost, the chosen, the wayward. . . .

God bless(es) you!
:) GOD!
Praise GOD!!!

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