Monday, April 22, 2019

All-driving Compulsion To Worship

Here's a dilemma... often i see things . . . before and as they are coming.. If i am specific... then, it would look like i "knew" . . . So.. can't be specific--but can talk (so far at least) in generalities.... This is why satire . . . coded-talk . . . allusions . . . etc., has often had to be the province of watchfolks on the watchtowers....
Plus, I am always struggling (in a good way I believe) with my undying belief....that all is under control, under sovereign guidance, creation, direction. . . .
Whereas, it can be an odd thing to feel compelled to warn . . . when, in the end . . . the end is known and directed from the beginning. . . .
THIS is mystery--and the all-driving compulsion to worship--which fascinates and inspires me . . . day by day. . . .
Praise God

(ps, during these treacherous times, i find myself hesitant and scrupulous re what's spoken/written.. BUT I believe and sense/see . . . that there will be a time to . . . reveal, express . . . in real time and in a flurry of verbosity... ha! stay tuned, God willing!)

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