Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Never Took the Diddy Ticket/Basement Crawl

 [Sidenote blog related to the daily news]: 

All the revealing of the scene.  The diddy stuff.  I've alluded to it before.  I came up against it quite a few  times.  I was a young, super talented, charismatic, pretty young boy/man.  I was always having to fend off "chicken hawks", which I did, successfully, btw!  

It actually started when I was 7 or 8.  I believe I was Protected, otherwise I could have been molested, assaulted.  I never was, thank God!

I was eventually taken to a few adult parties, as a sort of token, novelty, because . . . well, was an only child, babysitters were hard to find, sooooo. take the little kid to the party .  

I remember in 6th grade, at one of the occasional parties at our house, my step-dad taught me how to mix drinks, be the bartender for a bit... it was a novelty... I mixed the party goers' drinks, they chuckled, thought it was cute... And then, (thank God nothing weird happened, and I would go off to my room to sleep, listening to the talking, laughing, music well into the night, as I drifted off to sleep, then school in the morning) my "dad" lawyer with his associates (he was a big up-and-coming lawyer, very German in his character and ways...super intelligent, not emotional, introduced me to Plato, Aristotle, logic). . . . I found out later in life that those were wild parties--not WILD wild... they were just 70's boomers, smoking weed, drinking, and perhaps doing some other stuff, but on the surface very straight-laced and professional).

Well, and then after that all the "offers" . . . from very wealthy, placed people.. which I always was repulsed by... and never "took the ticket"/"went to the basement" . . . .

Because I loved Truth and God above all--above money, fortune and fame.... I was told by the evil one(s) . . . . "you will only then be a day laborer, just working by the sweat of your brow" ...... And I said, "that sounds rough, BUT I am not going to cross that line!"  

And I didn't, and haven't.

It was obvious to me.  They want to get you into a compromised situation . . . record it all . . . then blackmail or gift bounteous $ bribes.  It's either, you are blacklisted OR . . . you have a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow.   

I said no.  I saw and rejected over and over . . . that whole play.

 I love God above all.

Tempted in all things, . . . The Lord said NO!  And did NONE!  HE IS PERFECT!

He said, if you Know and follow Me. . . so will you be tempted and tried and made the least.

I sorted through the whole assaults of The World/Devil, and said NO! to the temptations. 

"They" said . . . "ok... fine.... now your life will be hard."

And I said, "The Lord had nowhere to lay his head, how dare I expect anything more than that!"  

And I find myself grateful for every breath of life . . . and the opportunity to give comfort and blessing to THE LEAST OF THESE.

Brother Thomas ©2005

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